We provide a companion library to the PSML format, libPSML, that provides transparent parsing and data extraction from PSML files, as well as basic editing and data conversion capabilities.
The library is built around a data structure of type ps_t that maps the information in a PSML file. Instances of this structure are populated by PSML parsers, processed by intermediate utility programs, and used as handles for information retrieval by client codes through accessor routines. The library provides, in essence:
object of type ps_t.ps
object to a
PSML file.ps
objects. These might be used by intermediate
processors or by high-level parsers.The library is written in modern Fortran and provides a high-level Fortran interface. A C/C++ interface is in preparation.
The basic modus operandi is to parse a PSML file, storing the information in an abstract handle ps_t, and then to query the handle to extract the relevant data.
use m_psml
type(psml_t) :: ps
call psml_reader("input.psml",ps,debug=.false.)
! Set up a grid of our own choosing
npts = 400; delta = 0.01
do ir = 1, npts
r(ir) = (ir-1)*delta
! Query existing potentials and get values
call ps_Potential_Filter(ps,set=SET_SREL,indexes=idx,number=npots)
do i = 1, npots
call ps_Potential_Get(ps,idx(i),l=l,n=n,rc=rc)
do ir = 1, npts
val = ps_Potential_Value(ps,idx(i),r(ir))
call ps_destroy(ps)