annotationGrid | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
approx | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Function | |
assert | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
assign_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
assignment(=) | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
assoc_list_get_key | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_get_value | m_psml_assoc_list | Interface | |
assoc_list_get_value_by_index | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_get_value_of_key | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_init | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_insert | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_nitems | m_psml_assoc_list | Function | |
assoc_list_print | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
assoc_list_reset | m_psml_assoc_list | Subroutine | |
begin_element | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Subroutine | |
cdata_section_chunk | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Subroutine | |
check_index | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
custom_psml_die | custom_psml_die.F90 | Subroutine | |
custom_psml_die | custom_psml_die.F90 | Subroutine | |
delete | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
delete_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
delete_Data | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
destroy_local | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_nlpj | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_nonlocal | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_provenance | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_pswf | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_radfunc | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_semilocal | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_slps | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_wavefunctions | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
destroy_xc | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
dpnint1 | m_psml_interp | Subroutine | |
dump_annotation | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_config_val | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_core_charge | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_core_kinetic_energy_density | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_grid | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_local_potential | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_nonlocal_projectors | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_provenance | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_pseudo_atom_spec | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_pseudo_wavefunctions | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_radfunc | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_semilocal_potentials | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_valence_charge | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_valence_kinetic_energy_density | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
dump_xc_info | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
end_element | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Subroutine | |
eval_radfunc | m_psml_api | Function | |
generate_table_nl | m_psml_tables | Subroutine | |
generate_table_sl | m_psml_tables | Subroutine | |
generate_table_wf | m_psml_tables | Subroutine | |
getopts | m_getopts | Subroutine | |
getopts | m_getopts | Subroutine | |
id | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
id_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
init | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
init_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
initialized | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
initialized_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
interpolate | m_psml_interp | Interface | |
interpolate_drh | interpolate_drh.f90 | Subroutine | |
l_of_sym | m_psml_api | Function | |
max_range | m_psml_api | Function | Returns the maximum radius in a radfunc's data |
my_add_attribute | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
name | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
name_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
newGrid | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
pcdata_chunk | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Subroutine | |
print_type | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
printGrid | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
ps_AddProvenanceRecord | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_CoreCharge_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_CoreCharge_Value | m_psml_api | Function | Computes the value of the pseudo-core charge at r
@param ps is a handle to the psml information
@param r is the radius
It returns the pseudo-core charge density integrated over
solid angle, so that Q_core = int{ valrr } |
ps_CoreKineticDensity_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_CoreKineticDensity_Value | m_psml_api | Function | Computes the value of the pseudo-core kinetic energy density at r
@param ps is a handle to the psml information
@param r is the radius
??? It returns the pseudo-core kinetic energy density integrated over
??? solid angle, so that Q_core = int{ valrr } |
ps_Delete_LocalPotential | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_Delete_NonlocalProjectors | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_destroy | m_psml_core | Subroutine | |
ps_DumpToPSMLFile | m_psml_dump | Subroutine | |
ps_ExchangeCorrelation_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_GenerateTables | m_psml_tables | Subroutine | |
ps_GetLibPSMLVersion | m_psml_api | Function | Returns the library version in integer format |
ps_GetRawData | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_GetValue | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_GridAnnotation | m_psml_api | Function | Returns the annotation associated to a grid.
If a radial function
handle is given, the annotation for that
radial function's grid is returned. Otherwise,
the return value is the annotation for the global grid.
If there is no appropriate annotation, an empty
structure is returned.
@param ps is a handle to the psml information
@param radfunc is a handle to a radial function structure |
ps_HasLocalPotential | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_HasProjectors | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_HasPSOperator | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_HasSemilocalPotentials | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_LibxcFunctional_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_LocalPotential_Delete | m_psml_ps_edit | Interface | |
ps_LocalPotential_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_LocalPotential_Value | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_NonLocalProjectors_Delete | m_psml_ps_edit | Interface | |
ps_NonlocalProjectors_Filter | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_Potential_Filter | m_psml_api | Interface | |
ps_Potential_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_Potential_Value | m_psml_api | Function | Evaluator by storage index |
ps_Projector_Filter | m_psml_api | Interface | |
ps_Projector_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_Projector_Value | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_Provenance_Add | m_psml_ps_edit | Interface | |
ps_Provenance_Depth | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_Provenance_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_PseudoAtomSpec_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_PseudoWaveFunctions_Filter | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_PseudoWf_Filter | m_psml_api | Interface | |
ps_PseudoWf_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_PseudoWf_Value | m_psml_api | Function | |
ps_RootAttributes_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_RootAttributes_Set | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_SemilocalPotentials_Filter | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_SetEvaluatorOptions | m_psml_api | Subroutine | Sets various parameters for the operation of
the evaluator |
ps_SetPSMLVersion | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_SetUUID | m_psml_ps_edit | Subroutine | |
ps_ValenceCharge_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_ValenceCharge_Value | m_psml_api | Function | Computes the value of the valence charge at r
@param ps is a handle to the psml information
@param r is the radius
It returns the valence charge density integrated over
solid angle, so that Q_val = int{ valrr } |
ps_ValenceConfiguration_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_ValenceKineticDensity_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
ps_ValenceKineticDensity_Value | m_psml_api | Function | Computes the value of the valence kinetic energy density at r
@param ps is a handle to the psml information
@param r is the radius
??? It returns the valence kinetic energy density integrated over
??? solid angle, so that KE_val = int{ valrr } |
ps_ValenceShell_Get | m_psml_api | Subroutine | |
psml_die | psml_wrappers.F90 | Subroutine | |
psml_die_interf | m_psml_external_interfaces | Interface | |
psml_reader | m_psml_reader | Subroutine | |
refcount | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
refcount_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
same | m_psml_class_Grid | Interface | |
same_ | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
save_annotation | m_psml_parsing_helpers | Subroutine | |
set_default_interpolator | m_psml_interp | Subroutine | |
set_die_routine | m_psml_external_interfaces | Subroutine | |
set_interpolator | m_psml_interp | Subroutine | |
setcode_of_string | m_psml_core | Function | |
simple_die_routine | m_psml_external_interfaces | Subroutine | |
sizeGrid | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |
str_of_set | m_psml_core | Function | |
tag_new_object | m_psml_class_Grid | Subroutine | |
valGrid | m_psml_class_Grid | Function | |