ps_ValenceCharge_Value Function

public function ps_ValenceCharge_Value(ps, r) result(val)

Computes the value of the valence charge at r @param ps is a handle to the psml information @param r is the radius It returns the valence charge density integrated over solid angle, so that Q_val = int{ valrr }


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(ps_t), intent(in) :: ps
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: r

Return Value real(kind=dp)


Source Code

function ps_ValenceCharge_Value(ps,r) result(val)
type(ps_t), intent(in) :: ps
real(dp), intent(in)       :: r
real(dp)                   :: val

val = ps_GetValue(ps%valence_charge%rho_val,r)

end function ps_ValenceCharge_Value