ps_GetRawData Subroutine

public subroutine ps_GetRawData(f, raw_r, raw_data)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(ps_radfunc_t), intent(in) :: f
real(kind=dp), intent(out), allocatable:: raw_r(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(out), allocatable:: raw_data(:)


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine ps_GetRawData(f,raw_r,raw_data)
type(ps_radfunc_t), intent(in) :: f
real(dp), allocatable, intent(out)  :: raw_r(:), raw_data(:)

integer npts_data
real(dp), pointer :: a(:) 

! Cover the case in which the data set uses only
! a first section of the grid

npts_data = size(f%data)
allocate(raw_r(npts_data), raw_data(npts_data))

a => valGrid(f%grid)
raw_r(1:npts_data) = a(1:npts_data)
raw_data(:) = f%data(:)

end subroutine ps_GetRawData