end_element Subroutine

public subroutine end_element(name)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine end_element(name)

character(len=*), intent(in)     :: name

integer :: i, nnz
real(dp) :: Z
real(dp), parameter :: tol = 1.0e-20_dp  !! Scale or other data dependence?
real(dp), pointer :: rg(:)

type(provenance_t), pointer      :: q => null()
integer                          :: depth

if (debug_parsing) print *, "-- end Element: ", trim(name)

select case(name)

      case ("radfunc")
         in_radfunc = .false.
         if (.not. associated(rp%data)) then
            call die("No data for radfunc!")

         ! Determine the effective range
         ! by skipping over (nearly) zeros
         ! For functions with tail, use r*f
         rg => valGrid(rp%grid)
         if (rp%has_coulomb_tail) then
            Z = - rp%tail_factor
            nnz = size(rp%data)
            do while ( approx( (rg(nnz)*rp%data(nnz) + Z),0.0_dp, tol) )
               nnz = nnz - 1
            nnz = size(rp%data)
            do while ( approx( rp%data(nnz) ,0.0_dp, tol) )
               nnz = nnz - 1
         rp%nnz = nnz
         if (nnz == size(rp%data)) then
            rp%rcut_eff = rg(nnz)
            rp%rcut_eff = rg(nnz+1)
            if (debug_parsing) print "(a,i4,f10.4)",&
                 "Effective npts and range:", nnz+1, rp%rcut_eff

      case ("grid")
         in_grid = .false.
         if (.not. got_explicit_grid_data) then
            call die("Need explicit grid data!")
         call delete(tmp_grid)

      case ("data")
      ! We are done filling up the radfunc data
      ! Check that we got the advertised number of items
         in_data = .false.
         if (ndata /= size(rp%data)) then
            call die("npts mismatch in radfunc data")

      case ("grid-data")
      ! We are done filling up the grid data
      ! Check that we got the advertised number of items
         in_grid_data = .false.
         if (ndata_grid /= size(gdata)) then
            call die("npts mismatch in grid")
         if (debug_parsing) print *, "Got grid data: ", got_explicit_grid_data

      case ("pseudocore-charge")
         in_coreCharge = .false.

      case ("valence-charge")
         in_valenceCharge = .false.

      case ("semilocal-potentials")
         in_semilocal = .false.
         slp => null()

      case ("nonlocal-projectors")
         in_nonlocal = .false.
         nlp => null()

      case ("slps")
         in_slps = .false.

      case ("proj")
         in_proj = .false.

      case ("local-potential")
         in_local_potential = .false.
         lop => null()

      case ("local-charge")
         in_chlocal = .false.

      case ("pseudo-wave-functions")
         in_pseudowavefun = .false. 

      case ("pswf")
         in_pswf = .false.

      case ("valence-configuration")
         in_valence_config = .false.

      case ("exchange-correlation")
         in_xc = .false.

      case ("libxc-info")
         in_libxc_info = .false.
         if (n_funct /= xp%n_functs_libxc) &
            call die("Too few <functional> elements in <libxc-info>")

      case ("provenance")
         in_provenance = .false.

      case ("input-file")
         in_input_file = .false.
      case ("header", "pseudo-atom-spec")  ! v1.0, v1.1
         in_header = .false.

      case ("psml")
         in_psml = .false.
         ! Check provenance elements
         ! First, determine how many there are
         depth = 0
         q => pseudo%provenance
         do while (associated(q))
            depth = depth + 1
            q => q%next
         ! Assign record numbers. For now, we
         ! require that the records are ordered in the file
         q => pseudo%provenance
         do while (associated(q))
            ! A value of zero means that there is no (optional) record number
            if ( (q%record_number /= 0) .and. &
                 (q%record_number /= depth)) then
               call die("Provenance records out of order")
            q%record_number = depth
            q => q%next
            depth = depth - 1

end select

end subroutine end_element