Source File


Source Code

Source Code

! Basic functionality for reference-counted data structures
!   This file has to be included after the global declarations
!   for extra functionality, just where a "contains" statement
!   would go
!   Parameter:  "TYPE_NAME" has to be set to the name of the type

! Acknowledgements of inspiration from the community:
!    Basic templating via include files as in the FLIBS project
!    by Arjen Markus
!    Implementation of the classic reference-counting paradigm
!    in the PyF95 project.
#define OBJ_ERR_HANDLER psml_die


  public  :: TYPE_NAME
  public  :: init, delete, assignment(=), refcount, id
  public  :: name
  public  :: same ! same %data address (i.e. if: this1 = this2)
  public  :: initialized ! is allocated

  interface assignment(=)
    module procedure assign_
  end interface

  interface init
    module procedure init_
  end interface

  interface delete
    module procedure delete_
  end interface

  interface refcount
    module procedure refcount_
  end interface

  interface id
    module procedure id_
  end interface

  interface name
    module procedure name_
  end interface

  interface initialized
    module procedure initialized_
  end interface

  interface same
    module procedure same_
  end interface

  ! Stand-alone routine which must be provided
      subroutine OBJ_ERR_HANDLER(str)
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
      end subroutine OBJ_ERR_HANDLER
  end interface


! -- Main structural features
   subroutine init_(this)

   ! Initializes new storage

     type (TYPE_NAME), intent(inout) :: this

     integer :: error

     ! First, remove the current reference
     call delete(this)

     ! Allocate fresh storage
     allocate(this%data, stat=error)
     if (error /= 0) then
       call OBJ_ERR_HANDLER("Error allocating data structure")
       ! Our default behavior
       STOP "Error allocating data structure"

     ! Set the initial reference count
     this%data%refCount = 1

  end subroutine init_

  subroutine delete_(this)

    ! Removes the current reference, possibly
    ! deallocating storage

    type (TYPE_NAME), intent(inout) :: this

    integer :: error
!    logical, external  :: print_debug_object_info

    if (.not. initialized(this) ) return

    this%data%refCount = this%data%refCount - 1

    if (this%data%refCount == 0) then

      ! Safe to delete the data now
      ! Use the routine provided for this specific
      ! type to clean up any internal structure

      call delete_Data(this%data)

!      if (print_debug_object_info()) then
!        print *, "--> deallocated " // id(this) // " " // trim(this%data%name) 
!      endif

      ! Deallocate the currently referenced storage

      deallocate(this%data, stat=error)
      if (error /= 0) then
       call OBJ_ERR_HANDLER("Error in deallocation")
       ! Our default behavior
       STOP "Error in deallocation"

    ! This is important to use the correct initialized functions

  end subroutine delete_

  subroutine assign_(this, other)

  ! Make "this" reference the same data  as "other".
  ! No copying of data is involved, simply an increment of the
  ! reference counter.

  ! IMPORTANT NOTE: Assignment must take the form of a subroutine, and
  ! not of a function, since the "inout" intent is essential. One has
  ! to clean up "this" before making it point to the same place as
  ! "other".  In a function, the intrinsic "out" intent for "this"
  ! will destroy any prior information.

    type (TYPE_NAME), intent(inout) :: this
    type (TYPE_NAME), intent(in) :: other

    if (.not. initialized(other) ) then
       call OBJ_ERR_HANDLER("Assignment of non-initialized object in " // trim(mod_name))
       ! Our default behavior
       STOP "Assignment of non-initialized object in " // trim(mod_name)

    ! Delete to remove the current reference of "this"

    call delete(this)

    ! Establish the new reference and increment the reference counter.

    this%data => other%data
    this%data%refcount = this%data%refcount+1

  end subroutine assign_

  pure function initialized_(this) result(init)
    type(TYPE_NAME), intent(in) :: this
    logical :: init
    ! If it is not associated, it can not contain any data
    init = associated(this%data)
  end function initialized_

  pure function same_(this1,this2) result(same)
    type(TYPE_NAME), intent(in) :: this1, this2
    logical :: same
    ! If they are not both initialized they can not be the same
    same = initialized(this1) .and. initialized(this2)
    if ( .not. same ) return
    same = associated(this1%data, target=this2%data)
  end function same_

  function refcount_(this) result(count)
   type(TYPE_NAME), intent(in)  :: this
   integer  :: count
   count = this%data%refCount
  end function refcount_

  ! The remaining procedures are not essential

  function id_(this) result(str)
   type(TYPE_NAME), intent(in)  :: this
   character(len=36)            :: str
   str = this%data%id
  end function id_

  function name_(this) result(str)
   type(TYPE_NAME), intent(in) :: this
   character(len=len_trim(this%data%name)) :: str
   str = trim(this%data%name)
  end function name_

  subroutine tag_new_object(this)
   type(TYPE_NAME), intent(inout)  :: this

!   logical, external  :: print_debug_object_info
!   external           :: get_uuid

!    call get_uuid(this%data%id)
!    if (print_debug_object_info()) then
!      print *, '--> allocated ' // trim(this%data%name) // " " // id(this)
!    endif

   end subroutine tag_new_object
