Developer Notes

(Documentation work in progress)

Creating the database

The main routine is fdf_read, which opens the main file and starts adding material to the fdf object. If an %include line is found, the routine calls itself again with the new file.

Support for the Label ... Label < other_file idiom complicates the code quite a bit, since an alternative hierarchy of possibly nested file reads must be instantiated. This is done with the fdf_readlabel routine, which is also recursive and may call fdf_read again.


Low-level support for all the parsing needed is provided by the fdf_parse module, which is useful in itself and could potentially be made into an independent library. The basic idiom is to digest an input line into tokens, tagging them as integers, reals, names (strings), etc. There are query functions for number of tokens of each kind, plus extractors for them. Also, a quite powerful match routine can be used to identify at once the structure of a line.

Things to do

  • Make a cleaner separation of the reading and querying stages
  • Abstract some more the basic operations related to the fdf database object
  • Use better names for some of the procedures
  • (Maybe) Allow multiple instances of fdf-objects in a single program