Block content can be flexibly handled by means of a pointer to a derived type 'block_fdf'. Typical usage:
use fdf
type(block_fdf) :: bfdf
type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
if (fdf_block('SomeBlock', bfdf)) then
do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
(process line 'integers|reals|values|names ...')
call fdf_bclose(bfdf)
The subroutine 'fdf_block' returns in 'bfdf' a structure used to read the contents of the block.
Routine fdf_bline returns in 'pline' a parsed version of the next non-blank, non-comment line from the block, unless there are no more lines, in which case it returns .FALSE. and 'pline' is undefined.
Routine fdf_bclose runs the remaining lines in the block and ensures the log may be used as input in subsequent entries.
Once a block line has been parsed, a number of query and data extraction routines can be used:
fdf_bnames: Extracts a name from its correlative index.
Routine fdf_bbackspace moves the internal pointer of 'block_fdf' structure to the previous line returned.
Routine fdf_brewind moves the internal pointer of 'block_fdf' structure to the beginning of the block.