parse.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
#  include "config.h"

#define THIS_FILE "parse.F90"
! This file is part of the FDF package.
! This module provides a simple yet powerful way to analyze the information
! in a string (such as an input line). 
! Routine, 'digest' takes as input a string 'line' and returns a pointer
! to a derived type 'parsed_line':
!   Parsed line info (ntokens, token info and identification)
!   Note that the token characters are stored in a single "line",
!   and addressed using the starting and ending points.
!   This avoids the use of dynamic memory without loss of functionality.
!  type, public :: parsed_line
!    integer(ip)               :: ntokens
!    character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: line
!    integer(ip)               :: first(MAX_NTOKENS)
!    integer(ip)               :: last(MAX_NTOKENS)
!    character(len=1)          :: id(MAX_NTOKENS)
!  end type parsed_line
! which holds a list of tokens and token tags (id). The
! parsing (split string into tokens) is done by a helper routine
! 'parses' which currently behaves according to the FDF standard.
! Each token is classified by helper routine 'morphol' and a token
! id is assigned in the following way:
! * Tokens that can be read as real numbers are assigned to class
! 'values' and given a token id 'v'. These are further classified as
! 'integers' (id 'i') or 'reals' (id 'r').
! * There are two list classes:
!    'a' == integer list
!    'c' == real list
!    'e' == real or integer list
! * All other tokens are tagged as 'names' (id 'n').
! The recommended usage follows the outline:
!     use parse
!     character(len=?) line
!     type(parsed_line), pointer :: p
!     ...
!     p=>digest(line)
!     (extract information from p)
!     call destroy(p)
! Note the pointer assignment and the explicit call to a destroyer
! routine that frees the storage associated to p.
! The information is extracted by module procedures that fall into three
! classes: 
! a) Enquiry functions: 'search' and 'match'
! *  'search' determines whether a token in 'line' matches the given
!    string, optionally returning an index. The search is
!    case-insensitive by default, but this can be changed by supplying
!    an extra procedure argument 'eq_func' with interface:
!       interface
!         function eq_func(s1,s2)
!           logical eq_func
!           character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1,s2
!         end function eq_func
!       end interface
!    We have two different implementations of 'search' function,
!    through a wrapper (function overload):
!       interface search
!         module procedure search_fun
!         module procedure search_sub
!       end interface
!     1. %FUNCTION search_fun(string, pline_fun, after, eq_func)
!       New search implementation. 'search' function returns
!       the index of the token that matches with the string or
!       -1 if not found. Leaves 'pline_fun' structure pointing
!       to the token in the FDF structure.
!     2. %FUNCTION search_sub(pline_sub, string, ind, after, eq_func)
!       This is the old prototype for backward compatibility.
!       Returns .TRUE. if the string is found in the parsed line
!       else .FALSE. Moreover can return the index of the token
!       in the line if 'ind' is specified.
!    Example:  if (search('Mary', p) .ne. -1) ...
!    will return the index of the first token that matches
!    "Mary", or -1 if not found.
!    This function can take an optional keyword 'after=' (see below).
! *  'substring_search' does not match whole tokens, but substrings in
!    tokens. And it uses the *case sensitive* Fortran 'index' function.

! *  'match' is probably the most powerful routine in the module. It
!    checks whether the token morphology of 'line' conforms to the
!    sequence of characters specified. For example,
!    if (match(p,'nii')) ...
!    returns .TRUE. if 'line' contains at least three tokens and they are
!    a 'name' and two 'integers'. 
!    Apart from the 'primitive' one-character ids, there is the
!    possibility of using 'compound' virtual ids for generalized matchings:
!    - A 'v' ('value') is matched by both an 'integer' and a 'real'.
!    - A 'j' is matched by both an 'integer' and a 'name'.
!    - A 's' is matched by an 'integer', a 'real', and a 'name'.
!    - A 'x' is matched by any kind of token.
!    - A 'a' is matched by a list with integers
!    - A 'c' is matched by a list with reals
!    - A 'e' is matched by a list with integers or reals
!    - A 'd' is reserved for future dictionaries...

!    This function can take an optional keyword 'after=' (see below).
! b) Number functions: ntokens ('n|i|r|b|e|l|a'), nnames ('n'), nreals ('r'),
!                      nintegers ('i'), nvalues ('i|r'), nblocks ('b'),
!                      nendblocks ('e'), nlabels ('l'), nlists('a|c'),
!                      nintegerlists ('a'), nreallists('c')
!    These functions return the number of tokens of each kind in 'line':
!    number_of_energies = nreals(p)
!    These functions can take an optional keyword 'after=' (see below).
! c) Extraction functions: tokens ('n|i|r|b|e|l|a|c'), names ('n'), reals ('r'),
!                          characters,
!                          integers ('i'), values ('i|r'), blocks ('b'),
!                          endblocks ('e'), labels ('l'),
!                          integerlists('a') <- a subroutine
!                          reallists('c') <- a subroutine
!                          valuelists('a|c') <- a subroutine
!    These functions return a piece of data which corresponds to a token
!    of the specified kind with sequence number matching the index
!    provided. For example,
!    nlevels = integers(p,2)
!    assigns to variable 'nlevels' the second integer in 'line'.
!    Execution stops in the assignment cannot be made. The user should
!    call the corresponding 'number' routine to make sure there are
!    enough tokens of the given kind.
!    Function 'characters' returns a string of characters spanning
!    several tokens (with the original whitespace)
!    These functions can take an optional keyword 'after=' (see below).
! By default, the routines in the module perform any indexing from the
! beginning of 'line', in such a way that the first token is assigned the
! index 1. It is possible to specify a given token as 'origin' by using
! the 'after=' optional keyword. For example:
!     if (search(p, 'P', ind=jp)) then            # Old implementation
!       if (match(p, 'i', after=jp) npol = integers(p, 1, after=jp)
!     endif			 
! first checks whether 'P' is found in 'line'. If so, 'match' is used to
! check whether it is followed by at least an 'integer'. If so, its
! valued is assigned to variable 'npol'.
! If the 'after=' optional keyword is used in routine 'search', the
! returned index is absolute, not relative. For example, to get the
! real number coming right after the first 'Q' which appears to the
! right of the 'P' found above:
!     if (search(p, 'Q', ind=jq, after=jp)) then  # Old implementation
!       if (match(p, 'r', after=jq) energy = reals(p, 1, after=jq)
!     endif
! Alberto Garcia, 1995-2007, original implementation
! Raul de la Cruz, September 2007
! Alberto Garcia, July 2008

#define ERROR_UNIT  0

MODULE fdf_parse
  USE fdf_utils
  USE fdf_prec
  implicit none

! Serialization functions
  public :: serialize_pline, recreate_pline

! Internal functions: build parsed line and morphology
  private :: create
  private :: parses, morphol

! Digest, match and search
  public :: digest, destroy
  public :: match, search, substring_search

! Routines to get number and items
  public :: nintegers, nreals, nvalues, nnames
  public :: nblocks, nendblocks, nlabels, ntokens
  public :: integers, reals, values, names
  public :: blocks, endblocks, labels, tokens, characters
  public :: nlists, nintegerlists, nreallists
  public :: integerlists, reallists, valuelists

! Change morphology
  public :: setmorphol

! Integer|Real check routines
  private :: is_integer, is_value

! Debugging config routines
  public :: setdebug, setlog

! Internal constants
  logical, private                :: parse_debug = .FALSE.
  integer(ip), private            :: parse_log   = ERROR_UNIT
  integer(ip), parameter, private :: MAX_NTOKENS = 50

! Length of string encoding plines
  integer, parameter, public :: SERIALIZED_LENGTH =  MAX_LENGTH + 4 + 10*MAX_NTOKENS

!   Parsed line info (ntokens, token info and identification)
!   Note that the token characters are stored in a single "line",
!   and addressed using the starting and ending points.
!   This avoids the use of dynamic memory without loss of functionality.

  type, public :: parsed_line
    integer(ip)               :: ntokens
    character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: line
    integer(ip)               :: first(MAX_NTOKENS)
    integer(ip)               :: last(MAX_NTOKENS)
    character(len=1)          :: id(MAX_NTOKENS)
  end type parsed_line

! Search wrapper (return index as function or subroutine)
  interface search
    module procedure search_fun
    module procedure search_sub
  end interface


!   Creates parsed_line structure
    SUBROUTINE create(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                :: ierr

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (ASSOCIATED(pline)) call destroy(pline)
      ALLOCATE(pline, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. 0) then
        call die('PARSE module: create', 'Error allocating pline',      &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, rc=ierr)
!------------------------------------------------------------- END

!   Frees parsed_line structure
    SUBROUTINE destroy(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (ASSOCIATED(pline)) then
!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE destroy

!   Return the number of items of a certain class among the tokens.
    FUNCTION nitems(class, pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character                         :: class
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nitems

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                     :: msg
      integer(ip)                       :: i, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          write(msg,*) 'Wrong starting position when processing class: ', &
          call die('PARSE module: nitems', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      nitems = 0
      do i= starting_pos+1, pline%ntokens
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), class)) nitems = nitems + 1

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nitems

!   Return the number of integers in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nintegers(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nintegers

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nintegers = nitems('i', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nintegers

!   Return the number of reals in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nreals(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nreals

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nreals = nitems('r', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nreals

!   Return the number of values in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nvalues(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nvalues

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nvalues = nitems('i', pline, after) + nitems('r', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nvalues

!   Return the number of lists in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nlists(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nlists

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nlists = nitems('a', pline, after) + nitems('c', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nlists

!   Return the number of integer lists in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nintegerlists(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nintegerlists

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nintegerlists = nitems('a', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nintegerlists

!   Return the number of real lists in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nreallists(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nreallists

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nreallists = nitems('c', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nreallists

!   Return the number of names in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nnames(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nnames

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nnames = nitems('n', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nnames

!   Return the number of blocks in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nblocks(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nblocks

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nblocks = nitems('b', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nblocks

!   Return the number of endblocks in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nendblocks(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nendblocks

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nendblocks = nitems('e', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nendblocks

!   Return the number of labels in the tokens.
    FUNCTION nlabels(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nlabels

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      nlabels = nitems('l', pline, after)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION nlabels

!   Return the number of tokens.
    FUNCTION ntokens(pline, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: ntokens

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: ntokens', 'Wrong starting position',  &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      ntokens = pline%ntokens - starting_pos
      if (ntokens .lt. 0) then
        call die('PARSE module: ntokens', 'Wrong starting position',    &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION ntokens

!   Return a given integer token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION integers(pline, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: integers

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: integers', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__, cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), 'i')) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then
          integers = s2i(tokens(pline,i))
          found = .TRUE.
        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: integers', 'Not enough integers in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION integers

!   Return a given real token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION reals(pline, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      real(dp)                          :: reals

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: reals', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), 'r')) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then
          reals = s2r(tokens(pline,i))
          found = .TRUE.
        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: reals', 'Not enough reals in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION reals

!   Return a given list token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    SUBROUTINE reallists(pline, ind, nv, list, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nv
      real(dp)                          :: list(nv)

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: llist, sep
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: lpline
      integer(ip)                       :: iR
      real(dp)                          :: lR, uR, sR
      integer(ip)                       :: ri
      integer(ip)                       :: ti, lprev, li
      logical                           :: count, is_del

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: reallists', 'Wrong starting position',    &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      count = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), 'c')) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then

           found = .TRUE.

           ! Parse token list
           llist = tokens(pline,i)
           ! The list does have the markers attached (remove them)
           li = len_trim(llist)-1
           llist = trim(llist(2:li))
           lpline => digest(llist)

           ! We now have converted the list into a
           ! parseable line
           ! Does the user request length?
           count = nv <= 0
           li = 0 ! counter for the number of items in the list
           ti = 1 ! the current token iterator
           is_del = .false.
           do while ( ti < lpline%ntokens ) 

              ! First we need to check whether we have a list delimiter next
              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n')) then
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 is_del = leqi(sep,',') ! apparently ',' is not a token
              end if

              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n').and. .not. is_del) then
                 ! We have a range

                 if ( lpline%ntokens <= ti + 1 ) then
                    call die('PARSE module: reallists', 'Missing end range', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if
                 if ( .not.scan(lpline%id(ti),'ir')>0 .or. &
                      .not.scan(lpline%id(ti+2),'ir')>0 ) then
                    call die('PARSE module: reallists', 'Range is not well-defined', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

                 ! grab the seperator
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 if ( leqi(sep,'to') .or. leqi(sep,':') .or. &
                      leqi(sep,'--') .or. leqi(sep,'---') ) then

                    ! Sort the range
                    lR = values(lpline,1,after=ti-1)
                    uR = values(lpline,1,after=ti+1)
                    sR = 1._dp

                    ! Figure out if we have a step in the range
                    if ( ti + 3 < lpline%ntokens ) then
                       if ( leqi(lpline%id(ti+3),'n') .and. &
                          scan(lpline%id(ti+4),'ir')>0 ) then
                          sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti+2)
                          if ( leqi(sep,'step') ) then
                             sR = values(lpline,1,after=ti+3)
                             ! step after the 'step <val>'
                             ti = ti + 2
                          end if
                       end if
                    end if
                    ! Correct sign of stepper
                    if ( lR <= uR ) sR = abs(sR)
                    if ( uR <  lR ) sR = -abs(sR)
                    if ( sR == 0._dp ) call die('PARSE module: reallists', &
                         'Stepping a list cannot be stepped by 0', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
                    ! By adding 0.01 % we should capture a large
                    ! percentage of ill-defined ranges
                    !    lR = 1. ; uR = 1.9999 ; sR = 0.5
                    do iR = 0, int( (uR - lR) / sR + sR * 0.0001_dp )
                       call add_exit(count,li,nv,lR + sR * iR)
                    end do

                    ! jump across the range
                    ti = ti + 2
                    call die('PARSE module: reallists', 'Unknown token in list', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

              elseif (scan(lpline%id(ti),'ir')>0) then

                 call add_exit(count,li,nv,values(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if

              ti = ti + 1
              if ( is_del ) then
                 ti = ti + 1 
                 is_del = .false.
              end if

           end do

           ! Read last element (or the only element if one is given)
           if ( ti == lpline%ntokens ) then
              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti),'v')) then
                 call add_exit(count,li,nv,values(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if
           end if

           ! Clean-up parsed list-line
           call destroy(lpline)
           if ( count ) then
             ! User explicitly asked for acount
             nv = li
           else if ( nv /= li ) then
             ! Update the number of elements returned
             nv = li
           end if

        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: reallists', 'Not enough lists in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
      end if

!------------------------------------------------------------- END

      subroutine add_exit(is_counting,idx,nv,val)
        logical, intent(in) :: is_counting
        integer, intent(inout) :: idx
        integer, intent(in) :: nv
        real(dp), intent(in) :: val
        idx = idx + 1
        if ( .not. is_counting ) then
           if ( idx > nv ) then
              found = .false.
              list(idx) = val
           end if
        end if
      end subroutine add_exit

    END SUBROUTINE reallists

!   Return a given list token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    SUBROUTINE valuelists(pline, ind, nv, list, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: nv
      real(dp)                          :: list(nv)

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: llist, sep
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: lpline
      integer(ip)                       :: iR
      real(dp)                          :: lR, uR, sR
      integer(ip)                       :: ri
      integer(ip)                       :: ti, lprev, li
      logical                           :: count, is_del

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: valuelists', 'Wrong starting position',    &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      count = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (scan(pline%id(i), 'ac')>0) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then

           found = .TRUE.

           ! Parse token list
           llist = tokens(pline,i)
           ! The list does have the markers attached (remove them)
           li = len_trim(llist)-1
           llist = trim(llist(2:li))
           lpline => digest(llist)

           ! We now have converted the list into a
           ! parseable line
           ! Does the user request length?
           count = nv <= 0
           li = 0 ! counter for the number of items in the list
           ti = 1 ! the current token iterator
           is_del = .false.
           do while ( ti < lpline%ntokens ) 

              ! First we need to check whether we have a list delimiter next
              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n')) then
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 is_del = leqi(sep,',') ! apparently ',' is not a token
              end if

              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n').and. .not. is_del) then
                 ! We have a range

                 if ( lpline%ntokens <= ti + 1 ) then
                    call die('PARSE module: valuelists', 'Missing end range', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if
                 if ( .not.scan(lpline%id(ti),'ir')>0 .or. &
                      .not.scan(lpline%id(ti+2),'ir')>0 ) then
                    call die('PARSE module: valuelists', 'Range is not well-defined', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

                 ! grab the seperator
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 if ( leqi(sep,'to') .or. leqi(sep,':') .or. &
                      leqi(sep,'--') .or. leqi(sep,'---') ) then

                    ! Sort the range
                    lR = values(lpline,1,after=ti-1)
                    uR = values(lpline,1,after=ti+1)
                    sR = 1._dp

                    ! Figure out if we have a step in the range
                    if ( ti + 3 < lpline%ntokens ) then
                       if ( leqi(lpline%id(ti+3),'n') .and. &
                          scan(lpline%id(ti+4),'ir')>0 ) then
                          sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti+2)
                          if ( leqi(sep,'step') ) then
                             sR = values(lpline,1,after=ti+3)
                             ! step after the 'step <val>'
                             ti = ti + 2
                          end if
                       end if
                    end if
                    ! Correct sign of stepper
                    if ( lR <= uR ) sR = abs(sR)
                    if ( uR <  lR ) sR = -abs(sR)
                    if ( sR == 0._dp ) call die('PARSE module: valuelists', &
                         'Stepping a list cannot be stepped by 0', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
                    ! By adding 0.01 % we should capture a large
                    ! percentage of ill-defined ranges
                    !    lR = 1. ; uR = 1.9999 ; sR = 0.5
                    do iR = 0, int( (uR - lR) / sR + sR * 0.0001_dp )
                       call add_exit(count,li,nv,lR + sR * iR)
                    end do

                    ! jump across the range
                    ti = ti + 2
                    call die('PARSE module: valuelists', 'Unknown token in list', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

              elseif (scan(lpline%id(ti),'ir')>0) then

                 call add_exit(count,li,nv,values(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if

              ti = ti + 1
              if ( is_del ) then
                 ti = ti + 1 
                 is_del = .false.
              end if

           end do

           ! Read last element (or the only element if one is given)
           if ( ti == lpline%ntokens ) then
              if (scan(lpline%id(ti),'ir')>0) then
                 call add_exit(count,li,nv,values(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if
           end if

           ! Clean-up parsed list-line
           call destroy(lpline)
           if ( count ) then
             ! User explicitly asked for acount
             nv = li
           else if ( nv /= li ) then
             ! Update the number of elements returned
             nv = li
           end if
        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: valuelists', 'Not enough lists in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
      end if

!------------------------------------------------------------- END

      subroutine add_exit(is_counting,idx,nv,val)
        logical, intent(in) :: is_counting
        integer, intent(inout) :: idx
        integer, intent(in) :: nv
        real(dp), intent(in) :: val
        idx = idx + 1
        if ( .not. is_counting ) then
           if ( idx > nv ) then
              found = .false.
              list(idx) = val
           end if
        end if
      end subroutine add_exit

    END SUBROUTINE valuelists

!   Return a given integer list token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    SUBROUTINE integerlists(pline, ind, ni, list, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: ni, list(ni)

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: llist, sep
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: lpline
      integer(ip)                       :: iR, lR, uR, sR
      integer(ip)                       :: ti, lprev, li
      logical                           :: count, is_del

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
              'Wrong starting position', THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      count = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), 'a')) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then

           found = .TRUE.

           ! Parse token list
           llist = tokens(pline,i)
           ! The list does have the markers attached (remove them)
           li = len_trim(llist)-1
           llist = trim(llist(2:li))
           lpline => digest(llist)

           ! We now have converted the list into a
           ! parseable line
           ! Does the user request length?
           count = ni <= 0
           li = 0 ! counter for the number of items in the list
           ti = 1 ! the current token iterator
           is_del = .false.
           do while ( ti < lpline%ntokens ) 

              ! First we need to check whether we have a list delimiter next
              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n')) then
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 is_del = leqi(sep,',') ! apparently ',' is not a token
              end if

              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti+1),'n').and. .not. is_del) then
                 ! We have a range

                 if ( lpline%ntokens <= ti + 1 ) then
                   call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
                       'Missing end range', THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if
                 if ( .not.leqi(lpline%id(ti),'i').or. &
                      .not.leqi(lpline%id(ti+2),'i') ) then
                   call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
                       'Range is not well-defined', THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

                 ! grab the seperator
                 sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti)
                 if ( leqi(sep,'to') .or. leqi(sep,':') .or. &
                      leqi(sep,'--') .or. leqi(sep,'---') ) then

                    ! Sort the range
                    lR = integers(lpline,1,after=ti-1)
                    uR = integers(lpline,1,after=ti+1)
                    sR = 1

                    ! Figure out if we have a step in the range
                    if ( ti + 3 < lpline%ntokens ) then
                       if ( leqi(lpline%id(ti+3),'n') .and. &
                          leqi(lpline%id(ti+4),'i') ) then
                          sep = names(lpline,1,after=ti+2)
                          if ( leqi(sep,'step') ) then
                             sR = integers(lpline,1,after=ti+3)
                             ! step after the 'step <val>'
                             ti = ti + 2
                          end if
                       end if
                    end if
                    ! Correct sign of stepper
                    if ( lR <= uR ) sR = abs(sR)
                    if ( uR <  lR ) sR = -abs(sR)
                    if ( sR == 0 ) call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
                         'Stepping a list cannot be stepped by 0', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
                    do iR = lR , uR, sR
                       call add_exit(count,li,ni,iR)
                    end do

                    ! jump across the range
                    ti = ti + 2
                   call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
                       'Unknown token in list', THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
                 end if

              elseif (leqi(lpline%id(ti),'i')) then

                 call add_exit(count,li,ni,integers(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if

              ti = ti + 1
              if ( is_del ) then
                 ti = ti + 1 
                 is_del = .false.
              end if

           end do

           ! Read last element (or the only element if one is given)
           if ( ti == lpline%ntokens ) then
              if (leqi(lpline%id(ti),'i')) then
                 call add_exit(count,li,ni,integers(lpline,1,after=ti-1))
              end if
           end if

           ! Clean-up parsed list-line
           call destroy(lpline)
           if ( count ) then
             ! User explicitly asked for acount
             ni = li
           else if ( ni /= li ) then
             ! Update the number of elements returned
             ni = li
           end if

        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: integerlists', &
            'Not enough lists in line', THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
      end if

!------------------------------------------------------------- END

      subroutine add_exit(is_counting,idx,ni,val)
        logical, intent(in) :: is_counting
        integer, intent(inout) :: idx
        integer, intent(in) :: ni, val
        idx = idx + 1
        if ( .not. is_counting ) then
           if ( idx > ni ) then
              found = .false.
              list(idx) = val
           end if
        end if
      end subroutine add_exit

    END SUBROUTINE integerlists

!   Return a given [integer|real] token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION values(pline, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      real(dp)                          :: values

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: values', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if ((leqi(pline%id(i), 'i')) .or. (leqi(pline%id(i), 'r')))     &
          j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then
          values = s2r(tokens(pline,i))
          found = .TRUE.
        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: values', 'Not enough values in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION values

!   Return a given name token, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION names(pline, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: names

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                           :: found
      integer(ip)                       :: i, j, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: names', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      i = starting_pos+1
      j = 0
      found = .FALSE.
      do while((.not. found) .and. (i .le. pline%ntokens))
        if (leqi(pline%id(i), 'n')) j = j + 1
        if (j .eq. ind) then
          names = trim(tokens(pline,i))
          found = .TRUE.
        i = i + 1

      if (.not. found) then
        call die('PARSE module: names', 'Not enough names in line', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION names

!   Return a given block label if it is found, else returns ''
!   Syntax must be: '%block Label' (bl) as stored in fdf structure
    FUNCTION blocks(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer    :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)     :: blocks

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (match(pline, 'bl')) then
        blocks = tokens(pline, 2)
        blocks = ' '

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION blocks

!   Return a given endblock label if it is found, else returns ''
!   Syntax must be: '%endblock Label' (el) as stored in fdf structure
    FUNCTION endblocks(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer    :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)     :: endblocks

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (match(pline, 'el')) then
        endblocks = tokens(pline, 2)
        endblocks = ' '

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION endblocks

!   Return a given label name if it is found, else returns ''
!   Syntax must be: 'Label Value' (li|lr|ln|l) as stored in fdf structure
    FUNCTION labels(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)  :: labels

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (match(pline, 'l')) then
        labels = tokens(pline, 1)
        labels = ' '

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION labels

!   Return a given token as character, specifying it by its sequence
!   number. It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION tokens(pline, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: tokens

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: starting_pos, loc

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if ((after .lt. 0) .or. (after .ge. pline%ntokens)) &
          call die('PARSE module: tokens', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      if (starting_pos+ind .gt. pline%ntokens) &
        call die('PARSE module: tokens', 'Wrong starting position', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

      loc = starting_pos+ind
      tokens = pline%line(pline%first(loc):pline%last(loc))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION tokens

!   Return a piece of the input line, given specifying it by the sequence
!   numbers of the initial and final tokens. 
!   A negative final index means that it is counted from the end, e.g.
!   ind_final=-1 refers to the last token.
!   It is also possible to make the sequence start after
!   a given token number in the line.
    FUNCTION characters(pline, ind_init, ind_final, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind_init
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind_final
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)         :: characters

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: starting_pos
      integer(ip)                       :: loc_init, loc_final

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if ((after .lt. 0) .or. (after .ge. pline%ntokens))             &
          call die('PARSE module: tokens', 'Wrong starting position',   &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      loc_init = starting_pos+ind_init
      if (ind_final < 0 ) then
         loc_final = pline%ntokens + ind_final + 1
         loc_final = starting_pos+ind_final

      if (      (loc_init .lt. 0)                   &
           .OR. (loc_init .gt. pline%ntokens)       &
           .OR. (loc_final .lt. 0)                  &
           .OR. (loc_final .gt. pline%ntokens)      &
           .OR. (loc_final .lt. loc_init)           &
         )  then
         call die('PARSE module: characters', 'Wrong limits',     &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

      characters = pline%line(pline%first(loc_init):pline%last(loc_final))

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION characters

!   Main processing function. Digest a character line array
!   building a digested parsed_line structure.
    FUNCTION digest(line) result(pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: line

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer   :: pline

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character                    :: token_id(MAX_NTOKENS)
      integer(ip)                  :: i, ntokens
      integer(ip)                  :: first(MAX_NTOKENS), last(MAX_NTOKENS)

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Parse line, and get morphology
      call parses(ntokens, line, first, last)
      call morphol(ntokens, line, first, last, token_id)

!     Build parsed_line structure
      call create(pline)
      pline%ntokens = ntokens

      if (ntokens .gt. MAX_NTOKENS) then
         call die('PARSE module: digest', 'Too many tokens', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__, rc=666)

      pline%line        = line
      do i= 1, ntokens
         pline%first(i) = first(i)
         pline%last(i)  = last(i)
         pline%id(i)    = token_id(i)

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION digest

!   Parses a character line, filling ntokens (# of tokens)
!   first and last (beginning and ending of each one token)
    SUBROUTINE parses(ntokens, line, first, last)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*)             :: line
!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                  :: ntokens
      integer(ip)                  :: first(MAX_NTOKENS), last(MAX_NTOKENS)

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                      :: intoken, instring, completed
      logical                      :: inlist
      integer(ip)                  :: i, c, stringdel, length

!     Character statement functions
      logical :: is_digit, is_upper, is_lower, is_alpha,                &
                 is_alnum, is_extra, is_tokch
      logical :: is_comment, is_delstr, is_dellist, is_special

      is_digit(i) = (i .ge. 48) .and. (i .le. 57)
      is_upper(i) = (i .ge. 65) .and. (i .le. 90)
      is_lower(i) = (i .ge. 97) .and. (i .le. 122)
      is_alpha(i) = is_upper(i) .or. is_lower(i)
      is_alnum(i) = is_digit(i) .or. is_alpha(i)

!     Extra characters allowed in tokens:  $ % * + & - . / @ ^ _ | ~
      is_extra(i) = ((i .ge. 36) .and. (i .le. 38))                     &
                     .or. (i .eq. 42) .or. (i .eq. 43) .or. (i .eq. 45) &
                     .or. (i .eq. 46) .or. (i .eq. 47) .or. (i .eq. 64) &
                     .or. (i .eq. 94) .or. (i .eq. 95) .or. (i .eq. 124)&
                     .or. (i .eq. 126) .or. (i .eq. 58)

      is_tokch(i) = is_alnum(i) .or. is_extra(i)

!     Comments are signaled by:  !  #  ; 
      is_comment(i) = (i .eq. 33) .or. (i .eq. 35) .or. (i .eq. 59)

!     String delimiters: "  '  `
      is_delstr(i)  = (i .eq. 34) .or. (i .eq. 39) .or. (i .eq. 96)

!     List delimiters: [ ]
      is_dellist(i)  = (i .eq. 91) .or. (i .eq. 93)

!     Dictionary delimiters: { }
!      is_deldict(i)  = (i .eq. 123) .or. (i .eq. 125)

!     Special characters which are tokens by themselves: <
      is_special(i) = (i .eq. 60)

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ntokens = 0

      intoken  = .FALSE.
      instring = .FALSE.
      inlist   = .FALSE.
      stringdel = 0

      ! Trim space at the end (not from the left)
      length = len_trim(line)

      i = 1
      completed = .FALSE.
      do while( i <= length .and. (.not. completed) )
        c = ichar(line(i:i))

!       Possible comment...
        if (is_comment(c)) then
          if (instring.or.inlist) then
            last(ntokens) = i
            completed = .TRUE.

!       Character allowed in a token...
        elseif (is_tokch(c)) then
          if (.not. intoken) then
            intoken = .TRUE.
            ntokens = ntokens + 1
            first(ntokens) = i
          last(ntokens) = i

!       Character that forms a token by itself...
        elseif (is_special(c)) then
          if (.not. instring .and. .not. inlist) then
            ntokens = ntokens + 1
            first(ntokens) = i
            intoken = .FALSE.
          last(ntokens) = i

!      List delimiter... We only allow single lists, not nested lists
       elseif (is_dellist(c)) then
          if (.not. instring .and. .not. inlist) then
             inlist  = .TRUE.
             intoken = .TRUE.
             ntokens = ntokens + 1
             first(ntokens) = i
          elseif (inlist) then
             ! end list (skip last token)
             intoken = .FALSE.
             inlist  = .FALSE.
             last(ntokens) = i
             last(ntokens) = i
          end if

!       String delimiter... make sure it is the right one before closing.
!       If we are currently in a token, the delimiter is appended to it.
        elseif (is_delstr(c)) then
          if (instring) then
            if (c .eq. stringdel) then
              instring = .FALSE.
              intoken  = .FALSE.
              stringdel = 0
              last(ntokens) = i
            if (intoken) then
              last(ntokens) = i
              instring = .TRUE.
              intoken  = .TRUE.
              stringdel = c
              ntokens = ntokens + 1
              first(ntokens) = i + 1
              last(ntokens)  = i + 1

!       Token delimiter...
          if (instring.or.inlist) then
            last(ntokens) = i
            if (intoken) intoken = .FALSE.

        i = i + 1

        ! Check whether the parsing is correctly handled
        if ( i > MAX_LENGTH ) then
          ! Because we will limit search to the len_trim length,
          ! then this should only be found when the line has "content" too long.
          ! Note that this will *never* be executed if a comment is too
          ! long because it is checked as the first requirement and then
          ! completes parsing the line.
          call die('PARSE module: parses', 'Too long line (132 char): ' // &
              trim(line), THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        end if


      if (parse_debug) then
        write(parse_log,*) 'PARSER:', ntokens, 'token(s)'
        do i= 1, ntokens
          write(parse_log,*) '   Token:', '|',line(first(i):last(i)),'|'
        write(parse_log,*) ' '
!------------------------------------------------------------- END

!   Classifies the tokens according to their morphology
    SUBROUTINE morphol(ntokens, line, first, last, token_id)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: line
      integer(ip)               :: ntokens
      integer(ip)               :: first(MAX_NTOKENS), last(MAX_NTOKENS)

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      character                 :: token_id(MAX_NTOKENS)

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: token, msg
      integer(ip)               :: i, j, ierr
      real(dp)                  :: real_value

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      do i= 1, ntokens
        token = line(first(i):last(i))
        j = last(i) - first(i) + 1
        if ( ichar(token(1:1)) .eq. 91 .and. &
            ichar(token(j:j)) .eq. 93 ) then
          ! if the token starts with [ and ends with ], it will be a list
          ! We do a simple check for the list type.
          ! Since we are only dealing with integer/real lists
          ! we can simply check for a . (comma separation) which
          ! will enable an easy distinguishment between integers and reals.
          if ( index(token(1:j), '.') > 0 ) then
            token_id(i) = 'c'
            token_id(i) = 'a'
          end if

!        else if ( ichar(token(1:1)) .eq. 123 .and. &
!             ichar(token(j:j)) .eq. 125 ) then
! if the token starts with { and ends with }, it will be a dictionary
!           token_id(i) = 'd'
        elseif (is_value(token)) then

!         This read also serves to double check the token for
!         real meaning (for example, ".d0" should give an error)
          read(token, fmt=*, iostat=ierr) real_value
          if (ierr .ne. 0) then
            write(msg,'(a,i3,1x,a,/,a)') 'Error in numeric conversion ', &
                 'at token number', i, ' in line ''', TRIM(line), ''''
            call die('PARSE module: morphol', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

          if (is_integer(token)) then
            token_id(i) = 'i'
            token_id(i) = 'r'
          token_id(i) = 'n'

      if (parse_debug) then
        write(parse_log,*) 'MORPHOL:', ntokens, 'token(s)'
        do i= 1, ntokens
          write(parse_log,*) '   Token:', '|', token_id(i), '|'
        write(parse_log,*) ' '
!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE morphol

!   Set the morphology of a specific token in a parsed line
    SUBROUTINE setmorphol(ntoken, token_id, pline)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character                  :: token_id
      integer(ip)                :: ntoken

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)  :: msg

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN

!     Check if token_id is a valid morphology id
!     'a' -> List (integers)
!     'c' -> List (reals)
!     'l' -> Label
!     'b' -> BeginBlock
!     'e' -> EndBlock
!     'i' -> Integer
!     'r' -> Real
!     'n' -> Name
      if ((token_id .ne. 'a') .and. (token_id .ne. 'c') .and. &
          (token_id .ne. 'l') .and. (token_id .ne. 'b') .and. &
          (token_id .ne. 'e') .and. (token_id .ne. 'i') .and. &
          (token_id .ne. 'r') .and. (token_id .ne. 'n')) then        
        write(msg,*) 'Morphology id = ''', token_id, &
                     ''' not valid for token = ''', tokens(pline, ntoken), ''''
        call die('PARSE module: setmorphol', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

      pline%id(ntoken) = token_id
!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE setmorphol

!   Search a string along a parsed line tokens. If found, it returns
!   the index in the list of the token that matches with the string.
!   Otherwise it returns -1.
    FUNCTION search_fun(string, pline_fun, after, eq_func)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*)                  :: string
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline_fun
      optional                          :: eq_func

        function eq_func(s1, s2)
          logical                       :: eq_func
          character(len=*), intent(in)  :: s1, s2
        end function eq_func
      end interface

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: search_fun

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                       :: i, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: search_fun', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      search_fun = -1
      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(pline_fun)) then
        call die('PARSE module: search_fun', 'parsed_line not associated', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

!     The default comparison routine is 'leqi' (case-insensitive)
      if (PRESENT(eq_func)) then
        i = starting_pos+1
        do while((search_fun .eq. -1) .and. (i .le. pline_fun%ntokens))
          if (eq_func(string, tokens(pline_fun, i))) search_fun = i
          i = i + 1
        i = starting_pos+1
        do while((search_fun .eq. -1) .and. (i .le. pline_fun%ntokens))
          if (leqi(string, tokens(pline_fun, i))) search_fun = i
          i = i + 1

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION search_fun

!   Search a string along a parsed line tokens. If found, leaves
!   in 'ind' the index token in the list that matches with the string
!   and it returns .TRUE. Otherwise it returns .FALSE. and -1 in 'ind'
    FUNCTION search_sub(pline_sub, string, ind, after, eq_func)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*)                   :: string
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional  :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer         :: pline_sub
      optional                           :: eq_func

        function eq_func(s1, s2)
          logical                        :: eq_func
          character(len=*), intent(in)   :: s1, s2
        end function eq_func
      end interface

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      logical                            :: search_sub
      integer(ip), intent(out), optional :: ind

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                        :: i, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: search_sub', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      if (PRESENT(ind)) ind = -1
      search_sub = .FALSE.
      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(pline_sub)) then
        call die('PARSE module: search_sub', 'parsed_line not associated', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

!     The default comparison routine is 'leqi' (case-insensitive)
      if (PRESENT(eq_func)) then
        i = starting_pos+1
        do while((.not. search_sub) .and. (i .le. pline_sub%ntokens))
          if (eq_func(string, tokens(pline_sub, i))) then
            if (PRESENT(ind)) ind = i
            search_sub = .TRUE.
          i = i + 1
        i = starting_pos+1
        do while((.not. search_sub) .and. (i .le. pline_sub%ntokens))
          if (leqi(string, tokens(pline_sub, i))) then
            if (PRESENT(ind)) ind = i
            search_sub = .TRUE.
          i = i + 1

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION search_sub
!   Search a sub-string along a parsed line tokens. If found, leaves
!   in 'ind' (if present) the index token in the list that has the
!   string as a substring and it returns .TRUE. Otherwise it returns
!   .FALSE. and -1 in 'ind'
    FUNCTION substring_search(pline_sub, string, ind, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*)                   :: string
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional  :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer         :: pline_sub

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      logical                            :: substring_search
      integer(ip), intent(out), optional :: ind

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                        :: i, starting_pos

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: substring_search', &
                   'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
        starting_pos = after
        starting_pos = 0

      if (PRESENT(ind)) ind = -1
      substring_search = .FALSE.
      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(pline_sub)) then
        call die('PARSE module: substring_search', &
                 'parsed_line not associated', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

!     NOTE that the we use the case-sensitive Fortran 'index' function
      i = starting_pos+1
      do while((.not. substring_search) .and. (i .le. pline_sub%ntokens))
         if (index(tokens(pline_sub, i),string) > 0) then
            if (PRESENT(ind)) ind = i
            substring_search = .TRUE.
         i = i + 1

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION substring_search

!   Checks whether the morphology of the line or part of it
!   matches the 'signature' string str.
!   If 'after' is present, try to match the 'signature' after
!   that number of tokens.
    FUNCTION match(pline, str, after)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*), intent(in)          :: str
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      logical                           :: match

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character                         :: c, id
      integer(ip)                       :: i, nids, shift

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (PRESENT(after)) then
        if (after .lt. 0) then
          call die('PARSE module: match', 'Wrong starting position', &
                   THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))
        shift = after
        shift = 0

      nids = LEN_TRIM(str)
      if (pline%ntokens - shift .lt. nids) then
        match = .FALSE.
        i = 1
        match = .TRUE.
        do while (match .and. (i .le. nids))
          c  = str(i:i)
          id = pline%id(shift+i)

          if (.not. leqi(c,id)) then

          !  x: matches anything
            if (leqi(c,'x')) then
               ! do nothing -- match stays .true.

          !  v: integer or real
            else if (leqi(c,'v')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'i') .or. leqi(id,'r'))) then
                  match = .false.

          !  s: integer or real or name (symbol)
            else if (leqi(c,'s')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'i') .or.   &
                         leqi(id,'r') .or.   &
                         leqi(id,'n')  )) then
                  match = .false.

          !  a: array (integer list)
            else if (leqi(c,'a')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'a')) ) then
                  match = .false.

          !  c: array (real list)
            else if (leqi(c,'c')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'c')) ) then
                  match = .false.

          !  e: array (list)
            else if (leqi(c,'e')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'a') .or. &
                   leqi(id,'c') )) then
                  match = .false.

          !  j: integer or name (integer-symbol)
            else if (leqi(c,'j')) then
               if (.not.(leqi(id,'i') .or. leqi(id,'n'))) then
                  match = .false.

          !  cannot find a match
               match = .false.


          i = i + 1

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION match

!   Checks if the string has a valid integer format
    FUNCTION is_integer(string)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: string

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      logical          :: is_integer

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character        :: c
      integer(ip)      :: i, length

      logical          :: is_digit, is_sign

      is_digit(c) = ((ichar(c) .ge. 48) .and. (ichar(c) .le. 57))
      is_sign(c)  = ((c .eq. '+') .or. (c .eq. '-'))

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      length = LEN_TRIM(string)
      if (length .gt. 0) then
        c = string(1:1)
        if ((is_digit(c)) .or. (is_sign(c))) then
          i = 2
          is_integer = .TRUE.
          do while (is_integer .and. (i .le. length))
            c = string(i:i)
            if (.not. (is_digit(c))) then
              is_integer = .FALSE.
            i = i + 1
          is_integer = .FALSE.
        is_integer = .FALSE.

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION is_integer

!   Checks if the string has a valid value format [real|integer]
    FUNCTION is_value(string)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: string

!------------------------------------------------ Output Variables
      logical          :: is_value

!------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character        :: c
      logical          :: dotsok
      integer(ip)      :: i, length, exp_mark

      logical          :: is_digit, is_sign, is_dot, is_expmark

      is_digit(c)   = ((ichar(c) .ge. 48) .and. (ichar(c) .le. 57))
      is_sign(c)    = ((c .eq. '+') .or. (c .eq. '-'))
      is_dot(c)     = ((c .eq. '.') .and. dotsok)
      is_expmark(c) = ((c .eq. 'e') .or. (c .eq. 'E') .or.              &
                       (c .eq. 'd') .or. (c .eq. 'D'))

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      length = LEN_TRIM(string)

      is_value = .FALSE.
      dotsok   = .TRUE.

!     Find the starting point of a possible exponent
      exp_mark = length+1
      do i= 1, length
        c = string(i:i)
        if (is_expmark(c)) exp_mark = i
      if (exp_mark .eq. length) return    ! Form: XXXXXd

      c = string(1:1)
      if (.not. (is_digit(c) .or. is_sign(c))) then
        if (is_dot(c)) then
          dotsok = .FALSE.

      do i= 2, exp_mark-1
        c = string(i:i)
        if (.not. (is_digit(c))) then
          if (is_dot(c)) then
            dotsok = .FALSE.

!     Is the exponent an integer?
      if (exp_mark .lt. length) then
        if (.not. is_integer(string(exp_mark+1:length))) return

!     Here we could do some extra checks to see if the string still makes
!     sense... For example, "." and ".d0" pass the above tests but are not
!     readable as numbers. I believe this should be reported by the
!     conversion routine, to warn the user of a mis-typed number, instead
!     of reporting it as a string and break havoc somewhere else.

!     This cases should not be accepted, since
!     now we are scanning the whole input file blindly

      if (length == 1) then
         if (is_sign(string(1:1))) return  ! Remove '+' and '-'
         if (string(1:1) == "."  ) return  ! Remove '.'

      is_value = .TRUE.

!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION is_value

!   Set debugging level for parses/morphol routines
    SUBROUTINE setdebug(level)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip) :: level

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      parse_debug = (level .eq. 1)
!------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE setdebug

!   Set log unit for parses/morphol routines
    SUBROUTINE setlog(unit)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip) :: unit

!----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      parse_log = unit
!------------------------------------------------------------- END

    subroutine serialize_pline(pline,string,length)
    type(parsed_line)   :: pline
    character(len=*), intent(out) :: string
    integer, intent(out) :: length

    integer :: pos, i
    character(len=10) buffer

    if (len(string) < length) then
       call die('PARSE module: serialize_pline', &
            "String too short", &
            THIS_FILE, __LINE__)

    string = ""
    string(1:MAX_LENGTH) = pline%line
    pos = MAX_LENGTH
    write(string(pos+1:pos+4),"(i4)") pline%ntokens
    pos = pos + 4

    do i=1,pline%ntokens
       write(buffer,"(1x,a1,2i4)") pline%id(i), pline%first(i), pline%last(i)
       string(pos+1:pos+10) = buffer
       pos = pos + 10

  end subroutine serialize_pline

    subroutine recreate_pline(pline,string)
    type(parsed_line), pointer   :: pline
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string

    integer :: pos, i

    if (len(string) < SERIALIZED_LENGTH)  then
       call die('PARSE module: recreate_pline', &
            "String too short", &
            THIS_FILE, __LINE__,cline=characters(pline,1,-1))

    pline%line = string(1:MAX_LENGTH)
    pos = MAX_LENGTH
    read(string(pos+1:pos+4),"(i4)") pline%ntokens
    pos = pos + 4
    do i=1,pline%ntokens
       read(string(pos+1:pos+10),"(1x,a1,2i4)") pline%id(i), pline%first(i), pline%last(i)
       pos = pos + 10

  end subroutine recreate_pline

END MODULE fdf_parse