fdf.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
#  include "config.h"

#define THIS_FILE "fdf.F90"
! This file is part of the FDF package.
! This module implements an extended Fortran 90/95 interface
! to the Flexible Data Format library of A. Garcia and J.M. Soler,
! originally written in Fortran 77.
! a) Block pointers.
! Block content can be flexibly handled by means of a pointer
! to a derived type 'block_fdf'. Typical usage:
!     use fdf
!     type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
!     type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
!     if (fdf_block('SomeBlock', bfdf)) then
!       do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
!         (process line 'integers|reals|values|names ...')
!       enddo
!       call fdf_bclose(bfdf)
!     endif
! The subroutine 'fdf_block' returns in 'bfdf' a structure used
! to read the contents of the block.
! Routine fdf_bline returns in 'pline' the next non-blank parsed
! line, non-comment line from the block, unless there are no more
! lines, in which case it returns .FALSE. and 'pline' is undefined.
! Routine fdf_bclose runs the remaining lines in the block and ensures
! the log may be used as input in subsequent entries.
! Routine 'backspace' moves the internal pointer of 'block_fdf'
! structure to the previous line returned.
! Routine 'rewind' moves the internal pointer of 'block_fdf' structure
! to the beginning of the block.
! b) Generic interface to scalar routines.
! The generic function 'fdf_get' can be used instead of any of the
! scalar routines. The specific names are also accepted.
! c) Architecture support: this FDF implementation supports the following
!    architectures environments.
!    1) Thread-safe: The new implementation is thread-safe and will support
!       calling it from several OMP-threads executing in the same node.
!       The implementation is as follows: fdf_init and fdf_shutdown are
!       SINGLE/CRITICAL sections that only one thread must execute.
!       On the other hand 'get'/'test' routines in FDF library are
!       thread-safe because each thread keeps its relative information
!       about the search/query that the caller program requests.
! Alberto Garcia, 1996-2007
! Raul de la Cruz (BSC), September 2007

  USE fdf_io

  USE fdf_parse, only: parsed_line
  USE fdf_parse, only: nintegers, nreals
  USE fdf_parse, only: nvalues, nnames, ntokens
  USE fdf_parse, only: integers, reals
  USE fdf_parse, only: values, names, tokens, characters
  USE fdf_parse, only: match
  USE fdf_parse, only: digest, blocks, endblocks, labels
  USE fdf_parse, only: destroy, setdebug, setlog, setmorphol
  USE fdf_parse, only: nlists, nintegerlists, nreallists
  USE fdf_parse, only: integerlists, reallists, valuelists

  USE fdf_parse, only: search
  USE fdf_parse, only: fdf_bsearch => search
  USE fdf_parse, only: fdf_substring_search => substring_search

  USE fdf_parse, only: serialize_pline, recreate_pline
  USE fdf_parse, only: SERIALIZED_LENGTH

  USE fdf_utils
  USE fdf_prec
  USE fdf_legacy_units_m, only: fdf_legacy_unit_handler => inquire_unit
  implicit none

   subroutine inquire_unit_p(unit_str, stat, phys_dim, unit_name, unit_value)
   import :: dp

    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: unit_str
    character(len=*), intent(out)  :: phys_dim
    character(len=*), intent(out)  :: unit_name
    real(dp), intent(out)          :: unit_value
    integer, intent(out)           :: stat
   end subroutine inquire_unit_p
  end interface

  procedure(inquire_unit_p), pointer :: inquire_unit => null()

! User callable routines in FDF library

! Start, stop FDF system
  public :: fdf_init, fdf_shutdown

! Reading label functions
  public :: fdf_get
  public :: fdf_integer, fdf_single, fdf_double
  public :: fdf_string, fdf_boolean
  public :: fdf_physical

  ! Lists
  public :: fdf_islist, fdf_islinteger, fdf_islreal
  public :: fdf_list, fdf_linteger, fdf_ldouble

! Returns the string associated with a mark line
  public :: fdf_getline

! Test if label is defined
  public :: fdf_defined, fdf_isphysical, fdf_isblock

! Allow to overwrite things in the FDF
  public :: fdf_overwrite, fdf_removelabel, fdf_addline

! Test if a label is used in obsolete or a deprecated state
  public :: fdf_deprecated, fdf_obsolete

! %block reading (processing each line)
  public :: fdf_block, fdf_block_linecount
  public :: fdf_bline, fdf_bbackspace, fdf_brewind, fdf_bclose
  public :: fdf_bnintegers, fdf_bnreals, fdf_bnvalues, fdf_bnnames, fdf_bntokens
  public :: fdf_bintegers, fdf_breals, fdf_bvalues, fdf_bnames, fdf_btokens
  public :: fdf_bboolean, fdf_bphysical
  public :: fdf_bnlists, fdf_bnilists, fdf_bnrlists, fdf_bnvlists
  public :: fdf_bilists, fdf_brlists, fdf_bvlists
! Match, search over blocks, and destroy block structure
  public :: fdf_bmatch, fdf_bsearch, fdf_substring_search

  public :: fdf_setoutput, fdf_setdebug

  ! Units handling
  ! The legacy name fdf_convfac is still exported, but
  ! it is only useful after having set the
  ! unit conversion function
  public :: fdf_convfac
  public :: fdf_legacy_unit_handler
  public :: fdf_set_unit_handler
  public :: fdf_get_unit_handler

! Private functions, non-callable

! Main functions to build FDF structure (called in fdf_init)
  private :: fdf_initdata, fdf_addtoken, fdf_readline
  private :: fdf_read, fdf_readlabel, fdf_searchlabel
  private :: fdf_open, fdf_close

! Input/Output configuration
  private :: fdf_input
!  private :: fdf_set_output_file

! Destroy dynamic list of FDF structure (called in fdf_shutdown)
  private :: fdf_destroy, fdf_destroy_dl

! Debugging functions, level and prints debugging info
  public :: fdf_printfdf

! Finds a label in the FDF herarchy
  private :: fdf_locate

! Dump function (for blocks)
  private :: fdf_dump

! Wrappers functions for block access, search, matching,
! number and elements in the block (call to parse module)
  interface fdf_bnintegers
    module procedure nintegers
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnlists
    module procedure nlists
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnilists
    module procedure nintegerlists
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnrlists
    module procedure nreallists
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnvlists
    module procedure nlists
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnreals
    module procedure nreals
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnvalues
    module procedure nvalues
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnnames
    module procedure nnames
  end interface

  interface fdf_bntokens
    module procedure ntokens
  end interface

  interface fdf_bintegers
    module procedure integers
  end interface

  interface fdf_bilists
    module procedure integerlists
  end interface
  interface fdf_brlists
    module procedure reallists
  end interface
  interface fdf_bvlists
    module procedure valuelists
  end interface

  interface fdf_breals
    module procedure reals
  end interface

  interface fdf_bvalues
    module procedure values
  end interface

  interface fdf_bnames
    module procedure names
  end interface

  interface fdf_btokens
    module procedure tokens
  end interface

  interface fdf_bmatch
    module procedure match
  end interface

! fdf_get wrapper for label functions
  interface fdf_get
    module procedure fdf_integer
    module procedure fdf_single
    module procedure fdf_double
    module procedure fdf_boolean
    module procedure fdf_string
    module procedure fdf_physical
  end interface

  ! fdf_list wrapper for integer/real list functions
  interface fdf_list
    module procedure fdf_linteger
    module procedure fdf_ldouble
  end interface

! Unit numbers for input, output, error notification, and
! debugging output (the latter active if fdf_debug is true)
  logical, private                :: fdf_debug   = .FALSE.,             &
                                     fdf_debug2  = .FALSE.,             &
                                     fdf_started = .FALSE.,             &
                                     fdf_output  = .FALSE.

  integer(ip), parameter, private :: maxdepth   = 7
  integer(ip), parameter, private :: maxFileNameLength = 300
  integer(ip), private            :: ndepth
  integer(ip), private            :: fdf_in(maxdepth)
  integer(ip), private            :: fdf_out, fdf_err, fdf_log

! Structure for searching inside fdf blocks
  type, public :: block_fdf
    character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: label
    type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark => null()
  end type block_fdf

! Dynamic list for parsed_line structures
  type, public :: line_dlist
    character(len=MAX_LENGTH)  :: str
    type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline => null()
    type(line_dlist), pointer  :: next => null()
    type(line_dlist), pointer  :: prev => null()
  end type line_dlist

! FDF data structure (first and last lines)
  type, private :: fdf_file
    integer(ip)               :: nlines
    type(line_dlist), pointer :: first => null()
    type(line_dlist), pointer :: last => null()
  end type fdf_file

! Input FDF file
  type(fdf_file), private :: file_in 

! Export the following to enable serialization by clients of the library

  public :: fdf_serialize_struct
  public :: fdf_recreate_struct
  public :: fdf_set_started

! Define by default all the others inherit module entities as privated
! avoiding redefinitions of entities in several module files with same name
  public :: parsed_line   ! Structure for searching inside fdf blocks
  public :: leqi          ! For legacy support (old codes)


!   Initialization for fdf.
      SUBROUTINE fdf_init( fileInput, fileOutput, unitInput )
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*),optional,intent(in):: fileInput, fileOutput
      integer,         optional,intent(in):: unitInput

#ifndef FDF_DEBUG
!------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)  :: debug_level, output_level
      character(len=256) :: filedebug
      character(len=maxFileNameLength):: filein, fileout

!----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ! Prevent the user from opening two head files
      if (fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_init', 'Head file already set',       &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      call fdf_initdata()

      call io_geterr(fdf_err)

      ! Set in/out file names, if fileInput and fileOutput are not present
      call set_file_names( filein, fileout, &
                           fileInput, fileOutput, unitInput )
      filedebug = trim(fileout) // ".debug"

      call fdf_input(filein)

      fdf_started = .TRUE.

      ! Set the legacy unit handler by default
      ! Client codes should make sure that they use an updated units table and handler

      call fdf_set_unit_handler(fdf_legacy_unit_handler)

      ! Flags within the fdf file itself.

      ! At this point only the final fdf data structure will be shown,
      ! for level >= 2
      debug_level = fdf_get('fdf-debug', 0)
      call fdf_setdebug(debug_level,filedebug)

      ! The default is to have output only in the master node
      output_level = fdf_get('fdf-output', 1)
      call fdf_setoutput(output_level,fileout)

      if (debug_level >= 2) call fdf_printfdf()

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
      END SUBROUTINE fdf_init

      SUBROUTINE set_file_names( fileIn, fileOut, &
                                 optFileIn, optFileOut, unitIn )
      ! If present, copies input arguments optFileIn/Out to fileIn/Out.
      ! If absent, generates In/Out file names. If unitIn is present, and it is
      ! a named file, returns it as fileIn. If not, it copies input to a new
      ! file and returns its name. If .not.present(unitIn) => unitIn=5.
      ! If optFileIn is present, unitIn is ignored.
      implicit none
      character(len=*),intent(out):: &
        fileIn,    &! Name of file to be used as input
        fileOut     ! Name of file to be used as output
      character(len=*),optional,intent(in):: &
        optFileIn, &! Optional argument with input file name
        optFileOut  ! Optional argument with output file name
      integer,optional,intent(in):: &
        unitIn      ! Optional input file unit (not used if present(optFileIn))

      integer:: count, ierr, iostat, iu, iuIn
      logical:: named, opened
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH*2) line
      character(len=maxFileNameLength) fileName

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ! Find a job-specific number
      call system_clock( count )
      count = mod(count,100000)

      ! Set output file name
      if (present(optFileOut)) then
        if (len(trim(optFileOut)) > len(fileOut)) &
          call die('FDF module: set_file_names', &
                   'Parameter maxFileNameLength too small.' // &
                   'Terminating.', THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
        fileOut = optFileOut
      else                  ! set a job-specific file name
        write(fileOut,'(a,i5.5,a)') 'fdf_',count,'.log'

      ! Set input file
      if (present(optFileIn)) then     ! just copy the file name
        if (len(trim(optFileIn)) > len(fileIn)) &
          call die('FDF module: set_file_names', &
                   'Parameter maxFileNameLength too small.' // &
                   'Terminating.', THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
        fileIn = optFileIn
      else                             ! find or set a file name

        ! Find input file unit
        if (present(unitIn)) then      ! use given unit (possibly 5)
          iuIn = unitIn
        else                           ! assume standard input
          iuIn = 5

        ! Find file name associated with given unit
        if (iuIn==5) then              ! no valid file name
           fileName = ' '
        else                           ! check if this is a named file
          if (opened) then
            if (named) then            ! inquire file name
            else                       ! no valid file name
              fileName = ' '
            endif ! (named)
            call die('FDF module: set_file_names', 'Input unit not opened.' // &
                     'Terminating.', THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
          endif ! (opened)
        endif ! (iuIn==5)

        ! Set input file name, possibly after copying input to it
        if (fileName==' ') then                       ! not a valid file
          write(fileIn,'(a,i5.5,a)') &
            'INPUT_TMP_',count,'.fdf'                 ! new file's name
          call io_assign(iu)                          ! new file's unit
          open(iu,file=trim(fileIn),form='formatted') ! open new file
            read(iuIn,iostat=iostat,fmt='(a)') line   ! read line from old unit
            if (iostat/=0 ) exit
            write(iu,'(a)') trim(line)                ! write line to new file
          call io_close(iu)                           ! close new file
        else                                          ! valid file
          fileIn = fileName
        endif ! (fileName=='stdin')

      endif ! (present(optFileIn))
!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
      END SUBROUTINE set_file_names

!   Reads the input file
    SUBROUTINE fdf_input(filein)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)  :: filein

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN

      call fdf_read(filein)

      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,a,a,i3)') '#FDF module: Opened ', filein,   &
                                  ' for input. Unit:', fdf_in(1)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_input

!   Read an input file (and include files) and builds memory
!   structure that will contain the data and will help in searching
    RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE fdf_read(filein, blocklabel)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)               :: filein
      character(*), optional     :: blocklabel

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                    :: dump
      logical, allocatable       :: found(:)
      character(80)              :: msg
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)  :: label, inc_file
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH*2):: line
      integer(ip)                :: i, ierr, ntok, ind_less, nlstart
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Open reading input file
      call fdf_open(filein)

!     Read each input data line
      if (PRESENT(blocklabel)) then
        label = blocklabel
        label = ' '
      do while (fdf_readline(line))

!       Check if valid data (tokens, non-blank)
        pline => digest(line)
        ntok = ntokens(pline)
        if (ntok .ne. 0) then

!         Find different special cases in the input files
!         (%block, %endblock, %include, Label1 Label2 ... < Filename)

!         %block directive
          ind_less = search('<', pline)
          if (search('%block', pline) .eq. 1) then

!           No label found in %block directive
            if (ntok .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) '%block label not found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           %block Label < Filename [ %dump ]
            if (ind_less .eq. 3) then

              if (ntok .ge. 4) then
!               Test if %dump is present
                if (search('%dump', pline) .eq. 5) then
                  dump = .TRUE.
                  dump = .FALSE.

!               Add begin, body and end sections of block
                label = tokens(pline, 2)
                inc_file  = tokens(pline, 4)
                call destroy(pline)
                line = '%block ' // label
                pline => digest(line)
                call setmorphol(1, 'b', pline)
                call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
                nullify(pline) ! it is stored in line

                nlstart = file_in%nlines
                call fdf_read(inc_file, label)

!               Warn if block 'label' is empty
                if ((nlstart - file_in%nlines) .eq. 0) then
                  write(msg,*) 'FDF module: fdf_read: block ',          &
                               TRIM(label), ' is empty...'
                  call warn(msg)

                line = '%endblock ' // label
                pline => digest(line)
                call setmorphol(1, 'e', pline)
                call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
                nullify(pline) ! it is stored in line

!               Dump included file to fileout
                if (dump) call fdf_dump(label)
                label = ' '

!             Filename not found in %block directive
                write(msg,*) '%block filename not found in ', TRIM(filein)
                call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                   &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           %block Label
            elseif (ind_less .eq. -1) then
              label = tokens(pline, 2)
              call setmorphol(1, 'b', pline)
              call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
              call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
              nullify(pline) ! it is stored in line
              nlstart = file_in%nlines

!           Bad format in %block directive
              write(msg,*) 'Bad ''<'' %block format in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!         %endblock directive
          elseif (search('%endblock', pline) .eq. 1) then
!           Check if %block exists before %endblock
            if (label .eq. ' ') then
              write(msg,*) 'Bad %endblock found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
!             Warn if block 'label' is empty
              if ((nlstart - file_in%nlines) .eq. 0) then
                write(msg,*) 'FDF module: fdf_read: block ',            &
                             TRIM(label), ' is empty...'
                call warn(msg)

              call destroy(pline)
              line = '%endblock ' // label
              pline => digest(line)
              call setmorphol(1, 'e', pline)
              call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
              call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
              nullify(pline) ! it is stored in line
              label = ' '

!         %include Filename directive
          elseif (search('%include', pline) .eq. 1) then
!           Check if include filename is specified
            if (ntok .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) 'Filename on %include not found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
              inc_file = tokens(pline, 2)
              call fdf_read(inc_file)

            ! Clean pline (we simply insert the next file)
            call destroy(pline)

!         Label1 Label2 ... < Filename directive
          elseif (ind_less .ne. -1) then
!           Check if '<' is in a valid position
            if (ind_less .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) 'Bad ''<'' found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           Check if '<' filename is specified
            elseif (ind_less .eq. ntok) then
              write(msg,*) 'Filename not found after ''<'' in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                     &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
!             Search label(s) in Filename
              inc_file = tokens(pline, ind_less+1)
              ALLOCATE(found(ind_less-1), stat=ierr)
              if (ierr .ne. 0) then
                call die('FDF module: fdf_read', 'Error allocating found', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)

!             If label(s) not found in such Filename throw an error
              found = .FALSE.
              if (.not. fdf_readlabel(ind_less-1, pline,                &
                                      inc_file, found)) then
                 i = 1
                 do while ((i .le. ind_less-1) .and. (found(i)))
                    i = i + 1
                 label = tokens(pline, i)
                 write(msg,*) 'Label ', TRIM(label),                     &
                             ' not found in ', TRIM(inc_file)
                 call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg,                   &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

              call destroy(pline)

!         Add remaining kind of tokens to dynamic list as labels
            if (label .eq. ' ') call setmorphol(1, 'l', pline)
            call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
            nullify(pline) ! it is stored in line
!         Destroy parsed_line structure if no elements
          call destroy(pline)

!     Close one level of input file
      if ((.not. PRESENT(blocklabel)) .and. (label .ne. ' ')) then
        write(msg,*) '%endblock ', TRIM(label),                         &
                     ' not found in ', TRIM(filein)
        call die('FDF module: fdf_read', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
      call fdf_close()

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_read

!   Read an input file (and include files) searching labels to
!   include them in memory structure that will contain the data
    RECURSIVE FUNCTION fdf_readlabel(nelem, plabel, filein, found) result(readlabel)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)               :: filein
      integer(ip)                :: nelem
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: plabel

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                    :: readlabel
      logical                    :: found(nelem)

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                    :: dump, found_elem
      logical, pointer           :: found_loc(:)
      character(80)              :: msg
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH*2):: line
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)  :: label, inc_file
      integer(ip)                :: i, ierr, ntok, ind_less, nlstart
      integer(ip)                :: elem, nelem_loc
      integer(ip), pointer       :: found_index(:)
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Open input file with labels
      call fdf_open(filein)

!     While not reach to end of file and found all labels
      do while (fdf_readline(line) .and. (.not. ALL(found)))

!       Check if valid data (tokens, non-blank)
        pline => digest(line)
        ntok = ntokens(pline)
        if (ntok .ne. 0) then

!         Find different special cases in the input files
!         (%block, %endblock, %include, Label1 Label2 ... < Filename)

!         %block directive
          ind_less = search('<', pline)
          if (search('%block', pline) .eq. 1) then

!           No label found in %block directive
            if (ntok .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) '%block label not found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           %block Label < Filename [ %dump ]
            if (ind_less .eq. 3) then

              if (ntok .ge. 4) then
!               Test if %dump is present
                if (search('%dump', pline) .eq. 5) then
                  dump = .TRUE.
                  dump = .FALSE.

                label = tokens(pline, 2)
                elem  = fdf_searchlabel(found, nelem, label, plabel)

                inc_file = tokens(pline, 4)
                call destroy(pline)

!               If match with any label add [begin, body, end] of block
                if (elem .ne. -1) then
                  line = '%block ' // label
                  pline => digest(line)
                  call setmorphol(1, 'b', pline)
                  call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                  call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)

                  nlstart = file_in%nlines
                  call fdf_read(inc_file, label)

!                 Warn if block 'label' is empty
                  if ((nlstart - file_in%nlines) .eq. 0) then
                    write(msg,*) 'FDF module: fdf_readlabel: block ',   &
                                 TRIM(label), ' is empty...'
                    call warn(msg)

                  line = '%endblock ' // label
                  pline => digest(line)
                  call setmorphol(1, 'e', pline)
                  call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                  call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)

!                 Dump included file to fileout
                  if (dump) call fdf_dump(label)

                  found(elem) = .TRUE.
                  label = ' '

!             Filename not found in %block directive
                write(msg,*) 'Filename on %block not found in ', TRIM(filein)
                call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,              &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           %block Label
            elseif (ind_less .eq. -1) then
              label = tokens(pline, 2)
              elem  = fdf_searchlabel(found, nelem, label, plabel)
              found_elem = .TRUE.

!             If match with any label add [begin,body,end] of block
              if (elem .ne. -1) then
                call setmorphol(1, 'b', pline)
                call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
                nlstart = file_in%nlines

                found_elem = .FALSE.
                do while (fdf_readline(line) .and. (.not. found_elem))
                  pline => digest(line)
                  if (ntokens(pline) .ne. 0) then
                    if (search('%endblock', pline) .eq. 1) then
!                     Warn if block 'label' is empty
                      if ((nlstart - file_in%nlines) .eq. 0) then
                        write(msg,*) 'FDF module: fdf_readlabel: block ', &
                                     TRIM(label), ' is empty...'
                        call warn(msg)

                      call destroy(pline)
                      line = '%endblock ' // label
                      pline => digest(line)
                      call setmorphol(1, 'e', pline)
                      call setmorphol(2, 'l', pline)
                      label = ' '

                      found_elem  = .TRUE.
                      found(elem) = .TRUE.
                    call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)

!             Move to the end of the block
                call destroy(pline)

                found_elem = .FALSE.
                do while (fdf_readline(line) .and. (.not. found_elem))
                  pline => digest(line)
                  if (search('%endblock', pline) .eq. 1) then
                    label = ' '
                    found_elem = .TRUE.
                  call destroy(pline)

!             Error due to %endblock not found
              if (.not. found_elem) then
                write(msg,*) '%endblock ', TRIM(label),                 &
                             ' not found in ', TRIM(filein)
                call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,              &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           Bad format in %block directive
              write(msg,*) 'Bad ''<'' %block format in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!         %endblock directive
          elseif (search('%endblock', pline) .eq. 1) then
!           Bad if %endblock exists before %block
            write(msg,*) 'Bad %endblock found in ', TRIM(filein)
            call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                  &
                     THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!         %include Filename directive
          elseif (search('%include', pline) .eq. 1) then
!           Check if include filename is specified
            if (ntok .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) 'Filename on %include not found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
              inc_file = tokens(pline, 2)
              call destroy(pline)
              readlabel = fdf_readlabel(nelem, plabel, inc_file, found)

!         Label1 Label2 ... < Filename directive
          elseif (ind_less .ne. -1) then
!           Check if '<' is in a valid position
            if (ind_less .eq. 1) then
              write(msg,*) 'Bad ''<'' found in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!           Check if '<' filename is specified
            elseif (ind_less .eq. ntok) then
              write(msg,*) 'Filename not found after ''<'' in ', TRIM(filein)
              call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,                &
                       THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
!             Search label(s) in Filename
              line = ' '
              nelem_loc = 0
              ALLOCATE(found_index(ind_less-1), stat=ierr)
              if (ierr .ne. 0) then
                call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', 'Error allocating found_index', &
                         THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
              do i= 1, ind_less-1
                label = tokens(pline, i)
                elem = fdf_searchlabel(found, nelem, label, plabel)
                if (elem .ne. -1) then
                  line = TRIM(line) // ' ' // TRIM(label)
                  nelem_loc = nelem_loc + 1
                  found_index(nelem_loc) = elem

!             Process Filename if any label found
              if (nelem_loc .ge. 1) then
                inc_file = tokens(pline, ind_less+1)
                call destroy(pline)

                ALLOCATE(found_loc(nelem_loc), stat=ierr)
                if (ierr .ne. 0) then
                  call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', 'Error allocating found_loc', &
                           THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)

                found_loc = .FALSE.

!               If label(s) not found in such Filename throw an error
                pline => digest(line)
                if (.not. fdf_readlabel(nelem_loc, pline,               &
                                        inc_file, found_loc)) then
                  i = 1
                  do while ((i .le. nelem_loc) .and. (found_loc(i)))
                    i = i + 1
                  label = tokens(pline, i)
                  write(msg,*) 'Label ', TRIM(label), ' not found in ', TRIM(inc_file)
                  call die('FDF module: fdf_readlabel', msg,            &
                           THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
!                 Merge results if all labels found
                  do i= 1, nelem_loc
                    found(found_index(i)) = found_loc(i)


              call destroy(pline)

!         Label [ Value ] directive
            elem = fdf_searchlabel(found, nelem, tokens(pline, 1), plabel)

!           If match with any label add it
            if (elem .ne. -1) then
              call setmorphol(1, 'l', pline)
              call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
              found(elem) = .TRUE.
!             Destroy parsed_line structure if no label found
              call destroy(pline)

!         Destroy parsed_line structure if no label found
          call destroy(pline)

!     Close input file with labels
      call fdf_close()

      readlabel = ALL(found)
!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_readlabel

!   Search a label in a set of not 'found' tokens given by plabel and nelem.
!   Returns the index on plabel of the token that matches with label.
    FUNCTION fdf_searchlabel(found, nelem, label, plabel)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip)                :: nelem
      logical                    :: found(nelem)
      character(*)               :: label
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: plabel

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      integer(ip)                :: fdf_searchlabel

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical                    :: found_elem
      integer(ip)                :: i

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      i = 1
      found_elem = .FALSE.
      fdf_searchlabel = -1
      do while ((i .le. nelem) .and. (.not. found_elem))

        if (.not. found(i)) then
          if (labeleq(label, tokens(plabel, i))) then
            found_elem      = .TRUE.
            fdf_searchlabel = i
        i = i + 1

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_searchlabel

!   Dumps the content of a block
    SUBROUTINE fdf_dump(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)               :: label

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)              :: msg
      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      fdf_started = .TRUE.

      if (.not. fdf_block(label, bfdf)) then
        write(msg,*) 'block ', label, 'to dump not found'
        call die('FDF module: fdf_dump', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!     fdf_bline prints each block line in fdf_out
      do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))

      fdf_started = .FALSE.

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_dump

!   Init FDF file structure
    SUBROUTINE fdf_initdata()
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip) :: ierr

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ndepth = 0

      file_in%nlines = 0

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_initdata

!   Add a line individually to the dynamic list of parsed lines
!   This can not include block's and is restricted to key values
    SUBROUTINE fdf_addline(line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                :: ntok
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN

!     Check if valid data (tokens, non-blank)
      pline => digest(line)

      call setmorphol(1, 'l', pline)
      call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)

      if (fdf_debug2) then
         write(fdf_log,*) '***FDF_ADDLINE********************************'
         write(fdf_log,*) 'Line:', TRIM(line)
         write(fdf_log,*) '**********************************************'

    END SUBROUTINE fdf_addline

!   Remove a line from the dynamic list of parsed lines
!   This can not include block's and is restricted to key values
    SUBROUTINE fdf_removelabel(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*)  :: label

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer  :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN

      do while ( fdf_locate(label,mark) )

         if (fdf_debug2) then
            write(fdf_log,*) '***FDF_REMOVELABEL*******************************'
            write(fdf_log,*) 'Line:', TRIM(mark%str)
            write(fdf_log,*) 'Label:', trim(label)
            write(fdf_log,*) '**********************************************'

         ! To circumvent the first/last line in the fdf-file
         ! we have to check for the existence of the
         ! first/last mark being the one removed.
         ! That special case *must* correct the first/last
         ! tokens.
         if ( associated(mark,target=file_in%first) ) then
            file_in%first => mark%next
         end if
         if ( associated(mark,target=file_in%last) ) then
            file_in%last => mark%prev
         end if

         ! Remove the label from the dynamic list
         call destroy(mark%pline)
         if ( associated(mark%prev) ) then
            mark%prev%next => mark%next
         end if
         if ( associated(mark%next) ) then
            mark%next%prev => mark%prev
         end if

      end do

    END SUBROUTINE fdf_removelabel

!   Overwrite label line in dynamic list of parsed lines
    SUBROUTINE fdf_overwrite(line)
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer  :: pline
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH)   :: label

      integer :: ierr
      pline => digest(line)
      if ( search('%block', pline) == 1 .or. &
          search('%endblock', pline) == 1 ) then

        ! We do not allow this in a single line
        call die('FDF module: fdf_overwrite', 'Error overwriting block (not implemented)',   &
            THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
      else if ( search('%include', pline) == 1 ) then

        ! We do not allow this in a single line
        call die('FDF module: fdf_overwrite', 'Error overwriting flags from input file (not implemented)',   &
            THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)

      else if ( search('<', pline) /= -1 ) then

        ! We do not allow this in a single line
        call die('FDF module: fdf_overwrite', 'Error piping in overwriting (not implemented)',   &
            THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)
        label = tokens(pline,1)
        call setmorphol(1, 'l', pline)
        call fdf_removelabel(label)

        ! Add token to the list of fdf-flags
        ! Since we add it directly we shouldn't destroy the pline
        call fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
        if ( fdf_debug ) then
          write(fdf_log,'(2a)') '---> Overwriting token: ', trim(label)
        end if

      end if

    END SUBROUTINE fdf_overwrite

!   Add a token to the dynamic list of parsed lines
    SUBROUTINE fdf_addtoken(line, pline)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: line
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)                :: i, ierr
      type(line_dlist), pointer  :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ALLOCATE(mark, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. 0) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_addtoken', 'Error allocating mark',   &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err, rc=ierr)

      mark%str   =  line
      mark%pline => pline

      ! Add entry at the END of structure
      if (ASSOCIATED(file_in%first)) then
        mark%prev         => file_in%last
        file_in%last%next => mark
        file_in%first => mark

      file_in%last => mark
      file_in%nlines = file_in%nlines + 1

      if (fdf_debug2) then
        write(fdf_log,*) '***FDF_ADDTOKEN*******************************'
        write(fdf_log,*) 'Line:', TRIM(mark%str)
        write(fdf_log,*) 'Ntokens:', mark%pline%ntokens
        do i= 1, mark%pline%ntokens
          write(fdf_log,*) '  Token:', trim(tokens(pline,i)), &
                           ' (', mark%pline%id(i), ')'
        write(fdf_log,*) '**********************************************'

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_addtoken

!   Opens a file for FDF processing.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_open(filename)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      character(*)  :: filename

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      logical       :: file_exists
      character(80) :: msg
      integer(ip)   :: lun

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ndepth = ndepth + 1
      if (ndepth .gt. maxdepth) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_open', 'Too many nested fdf files...', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (leqi(filename, 'stdin')) then
        lun = INPUT_UNIT
        if (fdf_debug) write(fdf_log,'(a,i1,a)')                        &
          '---> Reading from standard input [DEPTH:', ndepth,'] '
        call io_assign(lun)

        INQUIRE(file=filename, exist=file_exists)
        if (file_exists) then
          open(unit=lun, file=filename, status='old', form='formatted')
          if (fdf_debug) write(fdf_log,'(a,i1,a,a)')                    &
            '---> Opened [DEPTH:', ndepth,'] ', TRIM(filename)
          write(msg,'(a,a)') 'Cannot open ', TRIM(filename)
          call die('FDF module: fdf_open', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      fdf_in(ndepth) = lun

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_open

!   Closes currently opened fdf file
    SUBROUTINE fdf_close()
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (ndepth .ge. 1) then
        call io_close(fdf_in(ndepth))
        if (fdf_debug)                                                  &
          write(fdf_log,'(a,i1,a)') '---> Closed [DEPTH:', ndepth,']'
        ndepth = ndepth - 1

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_close

!   Set output file for FDF subsystem
    SUBROUTINE fdf_set_output_file(fileout)
      implicit none
!----------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*), intent(in)   :: fileout

!----------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(256) :: fileouttmp
!----------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      call io_assign(fdf_out)

      open( unit=fdf_out, file=TRIM(fileout), form='formatted', &
           access='sequential', status='replace' )

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_set_output_file

!   Frees and shutdown FDF system
    SUBROUTINE fdf_shutdown()
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (fdf_started) then
        call fdf_destroy(file_in)
        fdf_started = .FALSE.

        call io_close(fdf_out)
        inquire_unit => null()


!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_shutdown

!   Destroy the fdf_file structure for the input file
    SUBROUTINE fdf_destroy(fdfp)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      type(fdf_file) :: fdfp

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (ASSOCIATED(fdfp%first)) call fdf_destroy_dl(fdfp%first)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_destroy

!   Destroy recursively the dynamic list of parsed lines
    RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE fdf_destroy_dl(dlp)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: dlp

      !! Use for tail recursion later:      type(line_dlist), pointer :: pnext

      !------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ! This is NOT tail-recursive!!
      if (ASSOCIATED(dlp%next)) call fdf_destroy_dl(dlp%next)
      call destroy(dlp%pline)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_destroy_dl
!   Read a line of the 'ndepth' input file, returning .TRUE. if
!   there are more lines to read from input file, .FALSE. otherwise.
    FUNCTION fdf_readline(line)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical      :: fdf_readline
      character(*) :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)  :: stat

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      read(fdf_in(ndepth), '(a)', iostat=stat) line

      if (stat .eq. 0) then
        fdf_readline = .TRUE.
        if (fdf_debug2) write(fdf_log, '(a,a76)') 'fdf_readline > ', line
        fdf_readline = .FALSE.

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_readline

!   Returns the string line associated with the mark pointer
!   in the FDF herarchy. If mark is not associated returns ''.
    FUNCTION fdf_getline(mark)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: fdf_getline

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (ASSOCIATED(mark)) then
        fdf_getline = mark%str
        fdf_getline = ' '

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_getline

!   Prints all the fdf_file structure of the input file(s)
    SUBROUTINE fdf_printfdf()
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      integer(ip)               :: i, ntokens
      character*1               :: id
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: dlp
      character(len=MAX_LENGTH) :: tok

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      dlp => file_in%first

      write(fdf_log,*) '*** FDF Memory Structure Summary: ************'
      do while (ASSOCIATED(dlp))
        ntokens = dlp%pline%ntokens
        write(fdf_log,*) 'Line:', TRIM(dlp%str)
        write(fdf_log,*) 'Ntokens:', ntokens
        do i= 1, ntokens
          tok = tokens(dlp%pline,i)
          id  = dlp%pline%id(i)
          write(fdf_log,*) '  Token:', trim(tok), '(', dlp%pline%id(i), ')'
        dlp => dlp%next
      write(fdf_log,*) '**********************************************'

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_printfdf

!   Returns an integer associated with label 'label', or the default
!   value if label is not found in the fdf file.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
    FUNCTION fdf_integer(label, default, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      integer(ip)                         :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      integer(ip)                         :: fdf_integer
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_integer', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'li')) then
          write(msg,*) 'no integer value for ', label
          call die('FDF module: fdf_integer', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

        fdf_integer = integers(mark%pline, 1, 1)
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,i10)') label, fdf_integer
        fdf_integer = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,i10,5x,a)') label, default, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_integer

!   Returns true or false whether or not the label 'label' is
!   a value with units or not.
!   I.e. it returns true if the line has the form lvn, if not found, or not lvn,
!   it returns false.
    FUNCTION fdf_isphysical(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_isphysical

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_isphysical', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
         fdf_isphysical = match(mark%pline, 'lvn')
         fdf_isphysical = .false.
      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') "#:physical? " // label, fdf_isphysical

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_isphysical

!   Returns true or false whether or not the label 'label' is
!   a list or not, you cannot get the line out from this routine
    FUNCTION fdf_islist(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_islist

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_islist', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        ! if it is a list:
        fdf_islist = match(mark%pline, 'le')
         fdf_islist = .false.
      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') "#:list? " // label, fdf_islist

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_islist

    FUNCTION fdf_islinteger(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_islinteger

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_islinteger', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        ! if it is an integer list:
        fdf_islinteger = match(mark%pline, 'la')
         fdf_islinteger = .false.
      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') "#:linteger? " // label, &

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_islinteger

    FUNCTION fdf_islreal(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_islreal

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_islreal', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        ! if it is a reallist:
        fdf_islreal = match(mark%pline, 'lc')
         fdf_islreal = .false.
      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') "#:lreal? " // label, &

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_islreal

!   Returns a list with label 'label', or the default
!   value if label is not found in the fdf file.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_linteger(label,ni,list,line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      integer(ip)                         :: ni

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      integer(ip)                         :: list(ni)
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark
      integer(ip)                         :: lni, llist(1)

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_linteger', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
              THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
         if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'la')) then
            write(msg,*) 'no list value for ', label
            call die('FDF module: fdf_linteger', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

         ! Retrieve length of list
         lni = -1
         call integerlists(mark%pline,1,lni,llist)
         if ( ni <= 0 ) then
            ! the user has requested size...
            ni = lni
            ! the list is not long enough
            if ( ni < lni ) then
              write(msg, '(2a,2(a,i0))')'List ', trim(label), &
                  ' container too small: ', ni, ' versus ', lni
              call die('FDF module: fdf_linteger', trim(msg), &
                  THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
            end if
            call integerlists(mark%pline,1,ni,list)
         end if

         ! find a way to write out the list anyway
         if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,i10)') label, lni
         write(msg,*) 'no list value for ', label
         call die('FDF module: fdf_linteger', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_linteger

!   Returns a list with label 'label', or the default
!   value if label is not found in the fdf file.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_ldouble(label,nv,list,line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      integer(ip)                         :: nv

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      real(dp)                            :: list(nv)
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark
      integer(ip)                         :: lnv
      real(dp)                            :: llist(1)

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_ldouble', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
              THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
         if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'le')) then
            write(msg,*) 'no list value for ', label
            call die('FDF module: fdf_ldouble', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

         ! Retrieve length of list
         lnv = -1
         call valuelists(mark%pline,1,lnv,llist)
         if ( nv <= 0 ) then
            ! the user has requested size...
            nv = lnv
            ! the list is not long enough
            if ( nv < lnv ) then
              write(msg, '(2a,2(a,i0))')'List ', trim(label), &
                  ' container too small: ', nv, ' versus ', lnv
              call die('FDF module: fdf_ldouble', trim(msg), &
                  THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
            end if
            call valuelists(mark%pline,1,nv,list)
         end if

         if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,i10)') label, lnv
         write(msg,*) 'no list value for ', label
         call die('FDF module: fdf_ldouble', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_ldouble

!   Returns a string associated with label 'label', or the default
!   string if label is not found in the fdf file.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
    FUNCTION fdf_string(label, default, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      character(*)                        :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      character(80)                       :: fdf_string
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_string', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
         if (ntokens(mark%pline) < 2) then
            fdf_string = ""
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,a)') label, &
             "#  *** Set to empty string *** "
            ! Get all the characters spanning the space from the second to
            ! the last token
            fdf_string = characters(mark%pline, ind_init=2, ind_final=-1)
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,a)') label, fdf_string
        fdf_string = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,a,5x,a)') label, default, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_string

!   Returns true if label 'label' appears by itself or in the form
!   label {yes,true,.true.,t,y} (case insensitive).
!   Returns false if label 'label' appears in the form
!   label {no,false,.false.,f,n} (case insensitive).
!   If label is not found in the fdf file, fdf_boolean returns the
!   LOGICAL variable default.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
    FUNCTION fdf_boolean(label, default, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      logical                             :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_boolean
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg, valstr
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_boolean', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then

!       If the label appears by itself, we interpret it as .true.
        if (ntokens(mark%pline) .ne. 1) then

!         Look for second word
          valstr = names(mark%pline, 1, 1)

          if (is_true(valstr)) then
            fdf_boolean = .TRUE.
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') label, fdf_boolean

          elseif (is_false(valstr)) then
            fdf_boolean = .FALSE.
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') label, fdf_boolean

            write(msg,*) 'unexpected logical value ', label, ' = ', valstr
            call die('FDF module: fdf_boolean', msg,                    &
                     THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
          fdf_boolean = .TRUE.
          if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10,5x,a)') label, fdf_boolean,          &
                                           '# label by itself'
        fdf_boolean = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10,5x,a)') label, default, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark



      logical function is_true(valstr)  result(a)
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: valstr
      a = leqi(valstr, 'yes')    .or. leqi(valstr, 'true') .or. &
          leqi(valstr, '.true.') .or. leqi(valstr, 't')    .or. &
          leqi(valstr, 'y')
      end function is_true

      logical function is_false(valstr)  result(a)
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: valstr
      a = leqi(valstr, 'no')      .or. leqi(valstr, 'false') .or. &
          leqi(valstr, '.false.') .or. leqi(valstr, 'f')     .or. &
          leqi(valstr, 'n')
      end function is_false

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_boolean

!   Block version of fdf_boolean
!   Returns true if the token in position (ind+after) has the form
!   {yes,true,.true.,t,y} (case insensitive).
!   Returns false if the token has the form
!   {no,false,.false.,f,n} (case insensitive).
    FUNCTION fdf_bboolean(pline,ind,after)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip), intent(in)           :: ind
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_bboolean

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg, valstr

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bboolean', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (ind <= nnames(pline,after=after)) then

        valstr = names(pline,ind,after=after)

        if (is_true(valstr)) then
           fdf_bboolean = .TRUE.

        elseif (is_false(valstr)) then
           fdf_bboolean = .FALSE.

           write(msg,*) 'unexpected logical value ', valstr
           call die('FDF module: fdf_bboolean', msg,                    &
                THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
         write(msg,*) ' index value beyond number of name tokens. '
         call die('FDF module: fdf_bboolean:', msg,                     &
              THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)



      logical function is_true(valstr)  result(a)
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: valstr
      a = leqi(valstr, 'yes')    .or. leqi(valstr, 'true') .or. &
          leqi(valstr, '.true.') .or. leqi(valstr, 't')    .or. &
          leqi(valstr, 'y')
      end function is_true

      logical function is_false(valstr)  result(a)
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: valstr
      a = leqi(valstr, 'no')      .or. leqi(valstr, 'false') .or. &
          leqi(valstr, '.false.') .or. leqi(valstr, 'f')     .or. &
          leqi(valstr, 'n')
      end function is_false

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_bboolean

!   Returns a single precision value associated with label 'label',
!   or the default value if label is not found in the fdf file.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
!   Note that integers on the line are also accepted
    FUNCTION fdf_single(label, default, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      real(sp)                            :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      real(sp)                            :: fdf_single
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_single', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'lv')) then
          write(msg,*) 'no real value for ', label
          call die('FDF module: fdf_single', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__,  fdf_err)
        fdf_single = values(mark%pline, 1, 1)
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10)') label, fdf_single
        fdf_single = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10,5x,a)') label, default, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_single

!   Returns a double precision value associated with label 'label',
!   or the default value if label is not found in the fdf file.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
!   Note that integers on the line are also accepted
    FUNCTION fdf_double(label, default, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label
      real(dp)                            :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      real(dp)                            :: fdf_double
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)                       :: msg
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_double', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'lv')) then
          write(msg,*) 'no real value for ', label
          call die('FDF module: fdf_double', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
        fdf_double = values(mark%pline, 1, 1)
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10)') label, fdf_double
        fdf_double = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10,5x,a)') label, default, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_double

!   Returns a double precision value associated with label 'label',
!   or the default value if label is not found in the fdf file.
!   Converts the units to defunit.
!   Optionally can return a pointer to the line found.
    FUNCTION fdf_physical(label, default, defunit, line)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label, defunit
      real(dp)                            :: default

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      real(dp)                            :: fdf_physical
      type(line_dlist), pointer, optional :: line

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(50)                       :: unitstr
      character(80)                       :: msg
      real(dp)                            :: value
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_physical', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!     Label found
      if (fdf_locate(label, mark)) then
        if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'lv')) then
          write(msg,*) 'no real value for ', label
          call die('FDF module: fdf_physical', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!       Label with value
        value = values(mark%pline, 1, 1)
        fdf_physical = value

!       Look for unit
        if (.not. match(mark%pline, 'lvn')) then
          write(msg,*) 'no unit specified for ', label
          call die('FDF module: fdf_physical', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

        unitstr = names(mark%pline, 1, 2)
!!        if (.not. leqi(unitstr, defunit)) then
           ! The enclosing 'if' might not be adequate if
           ! at some point we want to demand case-sensitivity
           ! or physical dimension qualifiers
           fdf_physical = value * fdf_convfac(unitstr, defunit)
!!        endif

        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10,1x,a10)') label, fdf_physical, defunit
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,a,5x,g20.10,1x,a10)')                         &
             '# above item originally: ', label, value, unitstr
        fdf_physical = default
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,g20.10,1x,a,5x,a)')                        &
             label, default, defunit, '# default value'

      if (PRESENT(line)) line = mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_physical

!   Block version
!   Returns a double precision value from a block-line
!    (possibly after a certain token index)
!   Converts the units to defunit.
    FUNCTION fdf_bphysical(pline, defunit, after)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer        :: pline
      character(*)                      :: defunit
      integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: after

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      real(dp)                            :: fdf_bphysical

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(10)                       :: unitstr
      character(80)                       :: msg
      real(dp)                            :: value
      type(line_dlist), pointer           :: mark

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_bphysical', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
              THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (.not. match(pline, 'vn', after)) then
         write(msg,*) 'no vn spec in line: '// trim(pline%line)
         call die('FDF module: fdf_bphysical', msg, THIS_FILE, &
              __LINE__, fdf_err)

      ! get value in block-line
      value = values(pline, 1, after)

      ! get unit in block-line
      unitstr = names(pline, 1, after)
      if ( leqi(unitstr, defunit) ) then
         fdf_bphysical = value
         ! The enclosing 'if' might not be adequate if
         ! at some point we want to demand case-sensitivity
         fdf_bphysical = value * fdf_convfac(unitstr, defunit)
      end if

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_bphysical

    function fdf_convfac(from, to) result(factor)
       character(len=*), intent(in)   :: from, to
       real(dp)                       :: factor

       integer :: stat
       character(len=256) :: msg

       factor = wrapper_convfac(from, to, stat, msg)

       if (stat /= 0) then
          call die('FDF module: fdf_convfac', trim(msg), THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)
     end function fdf_convfac

  function wrapper_convfac(from,to,stat,msg) result (factor)
    use fdf_utils, only: leqi
    use fdf_prec, only: dp

    implicit none

    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: from, to
    integer, intent(out)           :: stat
    character(len=*), intent(out)  :: msg
    real(dp)                       :: factor

    character(len=20)      :: phys_dim_to, phys_dim_from
    character(len=20)      :: unit_name_to, unit_name_from
    character(len=40)      :: new_from
    real(dp)               :: value_to, value_from
     if (.not. associated(inquire_unit)) then
          msg = 'no unit conversion table specified'
          call die('FDF module: fdf_convfac', msg, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

    call inquire_unit(to, stat, phys_dim_to, unit_name_to, value_to)
    if (stat == -1) then
       msg = 'Unknown unit = ' // trim(to)
    else if (stat == 1) then
       msg = 'Ambiguous unit (please fix the code to specify physical dimension) = ' // trim(to)
    call inquire_unit(from, stat, phys_dim_from, unit_name_from, value_from)
    if (stat == -1) then
       msg = 'Unknown unit = ' // trim(from)
    else if (stat == 1) then
       ! "from" unit is ambiguous. 
       if (len_trim(phys_dim_from) > 0) then
          msg = 'Unit name ' // trim(from) // &
               ' is ambiguous, even with qualification.'
          ! Try casting the physical dimension to that of 'to'
          new_from = trim(phys_dim_to) // ":" // trim(from)
          call inquire_unit(new_from, stat, phys_dim_from, unit_name_from, value_from)
          if (stat == -1) then
             msg = 'Unit name ' // trim(from) // &
                  ' is ambiguous and cast to target (' // trim(new_from) // ') does not exist'
          else if (stat == 1) then
             msg = 'Ambiguous unit even after casting! (case sensitivity needed?) = ' &
                   // trim(new_from)
          ! Do nothing. 
       ! Do nothing.

    ! Final checks
    if (.not. leqi(phys_dim_to, phys_dim_from)) then
       msg = "Incompatible dimensions: " &
            // trim(phys_dim_to) // ":" // trim(unit_name_to) // " , " &
            // trim(phys_dim_from) // ":" // trim(unit_name_from)
       stat = -1

    factor = value_from / value_to

  END FUNCTION wrapper_convfac

!   Searches for label in the fdf hierarchy. If it appears the function
!   returns .TRUE. and leaves mark pointer positioned at the line.
!   Otherwise, it returns .FALSE. and mark points to NULL.
    FUNCTION fdf_locate(label, mark)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)              :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                   :: fdf_locate
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)             :: strlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      fdf_locate = .FALSE.

!      if (fdf_donothing) return

      mark => file_in%first
      do while ((.not. fdf_locate) .and. (ASSOCIATED(mark)))

        if (match(mark%pline, 'l')) then
          strlabel = labels(mark%pline)

          if (labeleq(strlabel, label, fdf_log)) then
            fdf_locate = .TRUE.
            mark => mark%next
          mark => mark%next

      if (.not. fdf_locate) NULLIFY(mark)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_locate

!   Returns true or false whether or not the label 'label' is
!   a block.
!   I.e. it returns true if the line has the form bl, if not found, or not bl
!   it returns false.
    FUNCTION fdf_isblock(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)                        :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                             :: fdf_isblock

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark
      character(80) :: strlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
         call die('FDF module: fdf_isblock', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      fdf_isblock = .false.
      mark => file_in%first
      do while ( associated(mark) )

!!$        if ( match(mark%pline, 'l') ) then
!!$          strlabel = labels(mark%pline)
!!$          if ( labeleq(strlabel, label, fdf_log) ) then
!!$            ! fdf has first-encounter acceptance.
!!$            ! I.e. for an input
!!$            !   Label_Name 1
!!$            !   %block Label_Name
!!$            !     1
!!$            !   %endblock Label_Name
!!$            ! the former will be accepted first.
!!$            exit
!!$          end if

        if ( match(mark%pline, 'bl') ) then
          strlabel = blocks(mark%pline)
          if ( labeleq(strlabel, label, fdf_log) ) then
            fdf_isblock = .true.
          end if
        end if

        mark => mark%next
      end do
      if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') "#:block? " // label, fdf_isblock

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_isblock
!   Searches for block label in the fdf hierarchy. If it appears returns
!   .TRUE. and leaves block mark pointer positioned at the first line.
!   Otherwise, it returns .FALSE. and block mark points to NULL.
    FUNCTION fdf_block(label, bfdf)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)    :: label

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical         :: fdf_block
      type(block_fdf) :: bfdf

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)   :: strlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_block', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      fdf_block = .FALSE.

      bfdf%mark => file_in%first
      do while ((.not. fdf_block) .and. (ASSOCIATED(bfdf%mark)))

        if (match(bfdf%mark%pline, 'bl')) then
          strlabel = blocks(bfdf%mark%pline)

          if (labeleq(strlabel, label, fdf_log)) then
            fdf_block = .TRUE.
            bfdf%label = label

            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,a)') '%block ', TRIM(label)

        bfdf%mark => bfdf%mark%next

      if (.not. fdf_block) NULLIFY(bfdf%mark)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_block

!   Get successive parsed lines from block returning
!   .TRUE. while more lines exist in the block bfdf.
    FUNCTION fdf_bline(bfdf, pline)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                    :: fdf_bline
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)              :: strlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bline', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(bfdf%mark)) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bline', 'block_fdf structure not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      fdf_bline = .TRUE.

!     If we are in the head of the block move to the content
      if (match(bfdf%mark%pline, 'bl')) then
        strlabel = blocks(bfdf%mark%pline)

        if (labeleq(strlabel, bfdf%label, fdf_log)) then
          bfdf%mark => bfdf%mark%next

          if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,a)') '%block ', TRIM(bfdf%label)

      if (match(bfdf%mark%pline, 'el')) then
        strlabel = endblocks(bfdf%mark%pline)

        if (labeleq(strlabel, bfdf%label, fdf_log)) then
          fdf_bline = .FALSE.

          if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a,a)') '%endblock ', TRIM(bfdf%label)

      if (fdf_bline) then
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(1x,a)') TRIM(bfdf%mark%str)

        pline     => bfdf%mark%pline
        bfdf%mark => bfdf%mark%next

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_bline

!   Backspace to the previous physical line in the block
!   returning .TRUE. while more lines exist in the block bfdf.
    FUNCTION fdf_bbackspace(bfdf,pline)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf

!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      logical                    :: fdf_bbackspace
      type(parsed_line), pointer, optional :: pline

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)              :: strlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bbackspace', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(bfdf%mark)) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bbackspace', 'block_fdf structure not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      fdf_bbackspace = .TRUE.

!     If we are in the bottom of the block move to the content

      if (match(bfdf%mark%pline, 'el')) then

        strlabel = endblocks(bfdf%mark%pline)

        if (labeleq(strlabel, bfdf%label, fdf_log)) then
          bfdf%mark => bfdf%mark%prev

          if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(1x,a)') "#:(Backspace to) " // "|" //  &
                                TRIM(bfdf%mark%str) // "|"

!     If we are at the head we cannot backspace

      else if (match(bfdf%mark%pline, 'bl')) then
        strlabel = blocks(bfdf%mark%pline)

        if (labeleq(strlabel, bfdf%label, fdf_log)) then
          fdf_bbackspace = .FALSE.
          if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(1x,a)') "#:(Cannot backspace) " // "|" //  &
                                TRIM(bfdf%mark%str) // "|"


        bfdf%mark => bfdf%mark%prev
        if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(1x,a)') "#:(Backspace to) " // "|" //  &
                                TRIM(bfdf%mark%str) // "|"

      if ( present(pline) ) pline => bfdf%mark%pline

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_bbackspace

!   Moves the pointer of the working line (bfdf%mark)
!   to the beginning of the block 'label' structure.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_brewind(bfdf)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      type(block_fdf) :: bfdf

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      character(80)   :: msg

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_brewind', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (.not. ASSOCIATED(bfdf%mark)) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_brewind', 'block_fdf structure not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      if (.not. fdf_block(bfdf%label, bfdf)) then
        write(msg,*) 'Block ', bfdf%label, ' not found in FDF structure'
        call die('FDF module: fdf_brewind', msg, &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_brewind

!   Closes the opened block by looping the remaining lines of the working line.
!   This is only needed to complete the fdf-*.log files output for direct
!   usage later. It does nothing internally.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_bclose(bfdf)
      implicit none
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      type(block_fdf) :: bfdf

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
      integer(ip) :: i
      character(80) :: msg

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_bclose', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      ! Quick return (no need for errors)
      if ( .not. associated(bfdf%mark) ) return

      ! This should hopefully discourage compilers to optimize the loop away...
      i = 0
      do while ( fdf_bline(bfdf, pline) )
        i = i + fdf_bnvalues(pline)
      end do
      write(msg,'(a,i10)') 'Block ', i

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_bclose

!   Count number of lines with an optional specification.
!   I.e. this will read through the block and return the number of lines in the
!   block which matches the morphology (morph)
!   This may be used to easily digest number of non-empty lines in the block.
!   Note that a match on the morphology only compares the number of ID's in
!   morph. I.e. a line with 'vvvil' will match 'vvvi'.
    FUNCTION fdf_block_linecount(label, morph)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(len=*) :: label
      character(len=*), optional :: morph
!-------------------------------------------------------------- Output Variables
      integer(ip) :: fdf_block_linecount
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(block_fdf) :: bfdf
      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
      logical :: orig_fdf_output

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
!     Prevents using FDF routines without initialize
      if (.not. fdf_started) then
        call die('FDF module: fdf_block_linecount', 'FDF subsystem not initialized', &
                 THIS_FILE, __LINE__, fdf_err)

      ! Store the fdf_output variable (suppress writing to log)
      orig_fdf_output = fdf_output
      fdf_output = .false.

      ! Find the block and search for morhp
      fdf_block_linecount = 0
      if ( fdf_block(label, bfdf) ) then

        do while ( fdf_bline(bfdf, pline) )
          if ( present(morph) ) then
            if ( fdf_bmatch(pline, morph) ) then
              fdf_block_linecount = fdf_block_linecount + 1
            end if
            fdf_block_linecount = fdf_block_linecount + 1
          end if
        end do

        call fdf_bclose(bfdf)

      end if

      ! Restore output
      fdf_output = orig_fdf_output

      if ( fdf_output ) then
        if ( present(morph) ) then
          write(fdf_out,'(3a,3x,i0)') "#:block-line-count? ", &
              trim(label), ' ('//trim(morph)//')', fdf_block_linecount
          write(fdf_out,'(2a,3x,i0)') "#:block-line-count? ", &
              trim(label), fdf_block_linecount
        end if
      end if
!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_block_linecount

!   Check if label is defined
    logical FUNCTION fdf_defined(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)              :: label

!--------------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
      type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark

!--------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      ! First, check whether a single label exists:
      fdf_defined = fdf_locate(label, mark)
      if (.not. fdf_defined) then
         ! Check whether there is a block with that label
         fdf_defined = fdf_isblock(label)
      if ( fdf_output ) then
        write(fdf_out,'(a,5x,l10)') '#:defined? ' // label, fdf_defined

!----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END FUNCTION fdf_defined

!   Output levels:
!   level <= 0: nothing
!   level  = 1: standard
    SUBROUTINE fdf_setoutput(level,fileout_in)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip)                  :: level
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: fileout_in

      character(len=256) :: fileout

      fileout = fileout_in
      if (level .le. 0) then
        if (fdf_output) then
          call io_close(fdf_out)
          fdf_output = .FALSE.
        if (.not. fdf_output) then
          call io_assign(fdf_out)
          open(fdf_out, file=fileout, form='formatted',               &
          fdf_output = .TRUE.
!----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_setoutput

!   Debugging levels:
!   level <= 0: nothing
!   level  = 1: standard
!   level >= 2: exhaustive

    SUBROUTINE fdf_setdebug(level,filedebug)
      implicit none
!------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      integer(ip)      :: level
      character(len=*) :: filedebug

!----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if (level .le. 0) then
        if (fdf_debug) then
          call io_close(fdf_log)
          fdf_debug = .FALSE.
        if (.not. fdf_debug) then
          call io_assign(fdf_log)
          open(fdf_log, file=filedebug, form='formatted',               &
          fdf_debug = .TRUE.

!         Set logging/debugging info for PARSE module also
          call setlog(fdf_log)
          call setdebug(1)

      fdf_debug2 = (level .ge. 2)

!----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    END SUBROUTINE fdf_setdebug

!   For handling deprecated labels.
!   Also there is an optional "newlabel" if it has been changed into
!   a new label.
    subroutine fdf_deprecated(label,newlabel)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)           :: label
      character(*)           :: newlabel

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if ( fdf_defined(label) ) then
         if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a)') "#**Warning: FDF symbol '"//trim(label)// &
              "' is deprecated."
         if ( fdf_defined(newlabel) ) then
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a)') "#           FDF symbol '"//trim(newlabel)// &
                 "' will be used instead."
            if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a)') "#           FDF symbol '"//trim(newlabel)// &
                 "' replaces '"//trim(label)//"'."
         end if
      end if

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    end subroutine fdf_deprecated

!   For handling obsoleted labels.
    subroutine fdf_obsolete(label)
      implicit none
!--------------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
      character(*)           :: label

!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
      if ( fdf_defined(label) ) then
         if (fdf_output) write(fdf_out,'(a)') "#**Warning: FDF symbol '"//trim(label)// &
              "' is obsolete."
      end if

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
    end subroutine fdf_obsolete

!===================== Serialization utilities for clients
    subroutine fdf_serialize_struct(buffer)
    character(len=1), intent(inout), allocatable   :: buffer(:)

    character(len=SERIALIZED_LENGTH)  bufline
    type(line_dlist), pointer :: mark
    integer(ip) :: i, length, init, final

    integer :: nchars ! total size of serialized content

    if (allocated(buffer)) deallocate(buffer)
    nchars = file_in%nlines * SERIALIZED_LENGTH
    mark => file_in%first
    do i= 1, file_in%nlines
       call serialize_pline(mark%pline,bufline,length)
       init  = (i-1)*SERIALIZED_LENGTH+1
       final = (i)*SERIALIZED_LENGTH
       call convert_string_to_array_of_chars(bufline,buffer(init:final))
       mark => mark%next
  end subroutine fdf_serialize_struct

    subroutine fdf_recreate_struct(bufferFDF)
    character(len=1), intent(in)    :: bufferFDF(:)

    character(len=SERIALIZED_LENGTH)  bufline
    type(parsed_line), pointer    :: pline
    integer(ip) :: nlines, i, init, final

    nlines = size(bufferFDF) / SERIALIZED_LENGTH
    do i= 1, nlines
       init  = (i-1)*SERIALIZED_LENGTH+1
       final = (i)*SERIALIZED_LENGTH
       call convert_array_of_chars_to_string(bufferFDF(init:final),bufline)
       call recreate_pline(pline,bufline)
       call fdf_addtoken(pline%line,pline)

  end subroutine fdf_recreate_struct

  ! To enable client-side setting,
  ! notably in the case of MPI, where non-root ranks
  ! will not call fdf_init.
  ! In this case, the unit handler is nullified for
  ! safety. The client code is responsible for setting
  ! the right one.
    SUBROUTINE fdf_set_started(status)
      logical, intent(in) :: status

      fdf_started = status
      inquire_unit => null()

    end SUBROUTINE fdf_set_started

    ! Units processing
    subroutine fdf_set_unit_handler(func)
      procedure(inquire_unit_p) :: func

      inquire_unit => func

    end subroutine fdf_set_unit_handler

    subroutine fdf_get_unit_handler(func)
      procedure(inquire_unit_p), pointer :: func

      func => inquire_unit

    end subroutine fdf_get_unit_handler