interface | assignment(=) |
| Assignment of bud to another bud. More...
interface | delete |
| Deletes the bud by decreasing references to the underlying data. More...
type | fs_sarray2d |
| Finite stack with cyclic ability. More...
interface | get_elem |
| Retrieve specific element from the stack. More...
interface | get_elemp |
| Retrieve pointer to specific element in the stack. More...
interface | initialize |
| Initialization of data container. More...
interface | initialized |
| See interface is_initialized More...
interface | is_initd |
| See interface is_initialized More...
interface | is_initialized |
| Query whether bud is associated with any data. More...
interface | is_same |
| Check whether two buds point to the same data (function) More...
interface | keep |
| Keeps a fixed number of elements in the stack. More...
interface | new |
| Internal initialization of finite stack holding sArray2D. More...
interface | new_fs_sarray2d |
| See interface #new More...
interface | nullify |
| Nullifies the current bud. More...
interface | pop |
| Pop and (possibly) return the latest item in the stack. More...
interface | print |
| Print, to std-out, some basic information of the data-container. More...
interface | push |
| Adds/Pushes new element to the stack. More...
interface | references |
| Query number of references to the bud. More...
interface | refs |
| See interface #references More...
interface | same |
| See interface #is_same More...
interface | size |
| Query number of currently stored elements in this stack. More...
interface | size_max |
| Query maximum number of allowed elements in this stack. More...